Anyways, I'm posting this to see if it's just me who experiences this problem or not. So far it's my biggest gripe in the game, and it has nothing to do with NPC/Henchmen movement AI, but player movement.
I seem to have a HUGE problem with "sticking" to a spot. What will happen is I'll walk past a rock, wall, tree, npc (die Gwen die! LOL) etc and will take a few steps b4 being warped back to where I was... just to keep on warping back if I keep on trying to walk the same way. The only way to stop from walking is to go back the way I came and try and walk right around the object.
This of course HAS gotten me killed on a number of times as I got "stuck" warping while trying to run away from something or run to something. Which of course annoys the hell out of me seeing as I then have to wonder all the way back to where I was to continue with what I was doing.
It can make moving around maps to be very, very frustrating. Especially when I'm trying to get somewhere or to/from something.. to go to go around a corner, around a rock, down/up a slop... just to get "stuck" on it and keep on bouncing back to where I was.. and only way to stop it is to move in another direction.. and sometimes even then I will still bounce back..
I know I'm only on dial-up. But b4 you say "laaaaggg!!!", I can have perfect connection and response and get "stuck". I know since I've been watching to try and see if it's lag and I don't believe it is. I've clicked on monsters and reacted instantaniously.. then click and get me "stuck" and stay stuck for minutes... click on something else behind me and respond straight away.. then get myself stuck again.. etc and so on. When I lag I tend to just walk slower or not move at all, not sticky to a spot.. I only sticky when walking too close to objects.
My only real grip with the game - was wondering if I'm the only person getting this or is it commonplace? Heh, I now try and avoid all rocks, tree's, walls, etc when walking because of this stupid bouncing stickyness I get.