*looks at the never ending stream of jerky-trailed characters heading towards a current popular krytan farming spot*

Nikki Scott
Nikki Scott
Originally Posted by Haloknight9
yeah, but i can see why they may make a different shortsword(or another low end looking weapon) be about the same as a fellblade, so you dont get bored with the scenery seeing 50 people running around with the same weapon :P
Shandoo Bilari
Master Of Disharmony
Originally Posted by Shandoo Bilari
Dont worry your pretty little head about bots, its not your job.
Originally Posted by Shandoo Bilari
Dont worry your pretty little head about bots, its not your job.
Originally Posted by Silmor
Neither is playing the game, but we do it anyway. Tackling the bot problem may not be our job (and is out of our hands anyway), but people can worry about it as much as they please..
Originally Posted by Silmor
Bots only serve one purpose: earning money, for whatever purposes. The problem with that is that if bots earn money 24/7 in a way that is significantly more efficient than how most people play the game, anyone that is NOT using a bot will soon be left behind in the economy. Which in turn makes people give up on trying to earn gold themselves, instead buying it on eBay or something. Which is the very thing that fuels the botters, and things spiral down from there...
Originally Posted by Silmor
I think the only ones that don't need to worry their pretty little heads about bots are the botters themselves. So explain your side, please? I'm interested to learn how you can casually shrug them away.
Nikki Scott