Nerfed PvE!!!!!!!!
Dude it's not just farming spots, this nerfing is going to make pve alot harder with out any money to get by on. Like I said in the other thread, I was doing the "Price of steel" quest and it says to collect 5 more decayed armour from the white mantle. I go and kill every white mantle fellow I can find, and still didn't get enough, I had to go and rezone just to get the stupid things. This nerfing is annoying, and not just because people can't farm. I DON'T EVEN FARM!!!
Since this is already in about 3 other posts, why start a new one? *sighs* I hate having to cull through 500 posts saying, "The update sux..."

Sir Maddox
If you said it in another thread, why make another? :/
like i said, you totally need to submit this to guild wars support, because that just ain't right.
Ok this is totally unneeded, and is quite nicely put a rant that needed attention. There are 3 other topics why do this... just why?
Originally Posted by Theos
Ok this is totally unneeded, and is quite nicely put a rant that needed attention. There are 3 other topics why do this... just why?
No they all revolve around one common ground and thats the trouble in PvE which was caused by... can you believe it... nerfing. So this would fit nicely in any of the other topics.
*wonders where Principa is when you need him*
Principa Discordia
Pointless rant that could be put in one of the existing threads?
This never happens.
Edit: Aniewiel - Oooh, one minute after.

Edit: Aniewiel - Oooh, one minute after.