What is a hilt?
I have a sword that requires 9 swordmanship, i dont have that but i can still use it? what does req mean : requires, right? whats the effect of that
thats it for now thank you
Just a few questions
Kuku Monk
Req = requires... you can use the weapon, but its effect will be lessened until you meet the 9 swordsmanship requirements. A hilt is basically the handle of a sword. You can salvage a hilt and then place it on another sword, adding its bonus effects to that sword.
Izzy Izumi
The requirement is the level in that particular attribute you have to be to be able to effectively use the weapon.
For example, let's say you have a 15-22 Dragon Sword with 11 req for Sword Mastery. If you're at level 7 for Sword, then you'll be doing about 2-5 damage on a 60AL (armor level) bad guy. If you were at level 11 or above, you'll be doing that 15-22 damage.
For example, let's say you have a 15-22 Dragon Sword with 11 req for Sword Mastery. If you're at level 7 for Sword, then you'll be doing about 2-5 damage on a 60AL (armor level) bad guy. If you were at level 11 or above, you'll be doing that 15-22 damage.