Can someone post me the combonation, of how to make brown dye?
Mr Jazzy
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: May 2005
Mending For The [win]
15 Jul 2005 at 04:53 - 2
orange and blue?
Xue Yi Liang
Jungle Guide
Join Date: May 2005
Northern CA
Outlaws of the Water Margin
15 Jul 2005 at 05:42 - 3
Purple and yellow = brown
can alter the shade by adding black or silver
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: May 2005
15 Jul 2005 at 06:10 - 4
Get out your color wheel from kindergarten, and colours that don't compliment each other make brown.
Just Plain Fluffy
Join Date: Dec 2004
Berkeley, CA
Idiot Savants
15 Jul 2005 at 06:11 - 5
Orange and Black. Or Orange + Black + Black.
At least, those are the ones I've used.
Neutral Tyrant
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Jun 2005
New York
15 Jul 2005 at 06:14 - 6
I thought the colors for Guild Wars weren't that accurate when you mix 2.
Xue Yi Liang
Jungle Guide
Join Date: May 2005
Northern CA
Outlaws of the Water Margin
15 Jul 2005 at 06:36 - 7
There are actually a couple of combinations that give brown.
But purple and yellow are the cheapest - and give the exact same result. Just see for yourself.
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: May 2005
Victory on Demand [VoD]
15 Jul 2005 at 07:04 - 8
The order you combine the dyes matters, probably the certain selection of the 3/4 ways to make brown and the order they are combined matters as well. Don't forget the apparent item color. No dye chart I have seen takes these factors into account.
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Jun 2005
Tucson, AZ
The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]
15 Jul 2005 at 15:23 - 9
Just an FYI, my mesmer had armor that was "naturally" green, I dyed it with orange, and it came out a beautiful rich brown.