[IMG]here is the current 15k fissure set for female ranger and warrior, eles coming soon http://www.imagestation.com/album/pi...23728603&idx=1 http://www.imagestation.com/album/pi...23728239&idx=1
This is the best i can get it, if you have a membership, which is free, just join and check it out, if you know of any other programs i can use, please message me here! thanks!
Fissure Armor For Female Warrior And Ranger, Let Me Know Your Thoughts!!!!
I'm disappointed.
Stalker Haras
hey pie hows it going? Not sure if you remember me from sadd but thats ok.
Yeah the armor is a bit disapoting, theres alot more cover up then normal =P
Yeah the armor is a bit disapoting, theres alot more cover up then normal =P
looks lame.....
The female warrior armor reminds me of Neverwinter Nights ;p
Originally Posted by Stalker Haras
hey pie hows it going? Not sure if you remember me from sadd but thats ok.
Yeah the armor is a bit disapoting, theres alot more cover up then normal =P Seriously I like the cover up. This is armor after all, and what kind of real fighter would want a worthless RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO in his group?
Thats why Pyro and Fissure are my favorite Ele armors and 1.5k Druids (And Now fisure) For rangers. And the fissure for female warriors is nice.
If you think of it, a warrior needs all the cover and armor they can get.
A ranger is the assassin type so the leather stuff works.
And the Elementalists would keep their minds on Earth Fire Air and Water at all times, why would they care about giving a stampede of ugly fat gladiators something to look at?
Yeah the armor is a bit disapoting, theres alot more cover up then normal =P Seriously I like the cover up. This is armor after all, and what kind of real fighter would want a worthless RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO in his group?
Thats why Pyro and Fissure are my favorite Ele armors and 1.5k Druids (And Now fisure) For rangers. And the fissure for female warriors is nice.
If you think of it, a warrior needs all the cover and armor they can get.
A ranger is the assassin type so the leather stuff works.
And the Elementalists would keep their minds on Earth Fire Air and Water at all times, why would they care about giving a stampede of ugly fat gladiators something to look at?
The Warrior one is nice, when you don't Dye it Black... Stop Dying those Warrior Fissure armor Black, that makes them so ugly.
And the Ranger one is way too simple, not special enough, just like all the the other Ranger armors.
And the Ranger one is way too simple, not special enough, just like all the the other Ranger armors.