Sales Type: Auction
End Date: July 22 2005
IGN: PaKayEve Seeker
Availability: Evenings between 7 - 12 pm
shield: Max Ornate Buckler Amor 16, +28 Health, -3 Damage(9%), req: lvl 8 tactics
Current Bid: SOLD to JollyJumper
below are some additional items i'm looking to part with.
each item has a number in the lower right corner that will be used to
identify it.
I've added starting bids, please use increments of 1k.
As offers are collected i will read the threads and update the current bids below.
Item No/Bid/User
1) 2k to start
2) 2k to start
3) 2k to start
5) 2k to start
6) 10k to start
7) 10k to start
PaKayEve Seeker's Weapons for Sale
bump. after 3 days.
daily bumb. 3 days left then auction is over.
The Great Al
ive never seen received damage -3 - is that rare?
yes, it is.
here are the max modifiers for a shield:
Shields can have up to two different modifiers in addition to the innate 6-16 armor they provide. Since there are no upgrade components for shields there is only one pool of modifiers; both modifiers are chosen from this pool.
Modifier Name Modifier Effect
N/A Armor +4-8 vs.: Charr / Dwarves / Giants / Plants / Skeletons / Tengu / Trolls / Undead.
N/A Armor +4-8 (vs. 'any damage type' attacks).
N/A Health +20-30.
N/A Health +15-45 while: enchanted / hexed / in a stance.
N/A Received damage -1-2 while: enchanted / in a stance.
Received damage -1-3 while: hexed.
N/A Received damage -1-3 (Chance: 5-10%).
N/A +1 'any attribute name' (10-20% chance while using skills).
N/A Quick recovery from: bleeding / blind / crippled / dazed / deep wound / disease / poison / weakness (reduces duration of the named condition by 33%).
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here are the max modifiers for a shield:
Shields can have up to two different modifiers in addition to the innate 6-16 armor they provide. Since there are no upgrade components for shields there is only one pool of modifiers; both modifiers are chosen from this pool.
Modifier Name Modifier Effect
N/A Armor +4-8 vs.: Charr / Dwarves / Giants / Plants / Skeletons / Tengu / Trolls / Undead.
N/A Armor +4-8 (vs. 'any damage type' attacks).
N/A Health +20-30.
N/A Health +15-45 while: enchanted / hexed / in a stance.
N/A Received damage -1-2 while: enchanted / in a stance.
Received damage -1-3 while: hexed.
N/A Received damage -1-3 (Chance: 5-10%).
N/A +1 'any attribute name' (10-20% chance while using skills).
N/A Quick recovery from: bleeding / blind / crippled / dazed / deep wound / disease / poison / weakness (reduces duration of the named condition by 33%).
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