Someone show me 1.5k Elementalist?
Ok... I got to Draknor's Forge and realised what I was already suspecting... NEED MONEY. Anyway so since then thats been my whole purpuse and thats to make money for armor. Now I already have every set of armor other then regular elementalist armor. I have Hydromancer, Aeromancer, Geomancer and Pyromancer armor. My question is this... I can't afford 1.5 armor set of everything but I'm also into how armor looks on my character. I dislike the elementalist armor look you start out with (Playing female character here) I was thinking of getting 1.5 elementalist armor and then rune every piece as I have lots of runes and not bother with the +15 armor against fire, water, lightning and earth. Though if you have suggestions, I'm open to them.
So anyway can someone show me 1.5k draknor regular elementalist female gear? Otherwise I'll just mix the sets and have a piece from each type..
So anyway can someone show me 1.5k draknor regular elementalist female gear? Otherwise I'll just mix the sets and have a piece from each type..
Alathys Tylderaan
it looks just like the previous ele sets...
then whats that fancy looking elementalist garb I'm seeing that does not match the Aeromancer, Hydromancer, Geomancer or Pyromancer? Is that maybe 15k regular elementalist?
In case you're still interested here's the 1.5k aeromancer armor. I was a little diappointed that my fighter had WAY cooler looking 1.5k armor but the elementalist get the same looking stuff that they wear at level 1. But I will admit, she does look pretty sweet.
Thanks for the pic. What I ended up doing was buying the Aeromancer 1.5k vest, Hydromancer leggings, Geomancer gloves and Pyromancer boots. All dyed red. I'll get a pic up of someone I saw but got no answer from when I asked about her armor.
That's the armor you can get from collectors in the Crystal Desert. It's similar to the cheapest stuff in Droknars stats wise.
if you want to see 1.5k armor you can go to the create pvp char and look at it
or at least most of it
or at least most of it
Storm Crow
sorry to say Mavrik, that armor looks like the second ele armor from pre sear =(
alright well cool, thanks for answering guess I'll start saving my pennies for 15k now that I have a missmatched 1.5k now.
all armor is the same until the 15k
Originally Posted by Storm Crow
sorry to say Mavrik, that armor looks like the second ele armor from pre sear =(
Yes, the desert collector gear looks just like the second pre-searing set, isn't it great? I love it!
Texas Snyper
im new to GW and just got to drak, is the 15k armor worth saving up for?
holy resurrection batman!
if you want appearance, then yes... if your looking for stats, settle for droknar armor.
if you want appearance, then yes... if your looking for stats, settle for droknar armor.
storm of daeth
only get 15k armor if u can afford it dont sacrifice all kinds of things to get it. dont go into debt dont sell ur weapon or any of that i bought it on my war ebcause i had the money in storage but if u cant afford it without sacrificing alot then dont get it.
I've heard the question, "Is 15k armor worth it?" alot. My answer goes like this. When I first started playing many months ago, I learned of the 15k armor and thought, that is so stupid. Im not so vein that I will ever spend that much money on armor......then months went by and I was still playing fiendishly, farming, starting new characters, completing all of the quest, getting the occassional rare drop and making the occassional "good" money by selling things to other players and finally learning how to farm and make 2-5k every 20 minutes or so. Then what I thought was vein and stupid all changed. I have farmed sup runes and have all of the weapon builds that I want and have 3 20th level ascended characters, now what. I love the game so I continue to farm and play and help guildies and friends learn the game, but......I have extra cash. Now I am on my way to buying the 3rd set of 15k armor as soon as I farm the stuff to get it with, is that stupid? No, because when you see one of my characters that have 15k armor on, you will know that this character has been around and grinded for it. This is why I have 15k armor. When I first started playing and 20k was alot of money (like not even feasible), the fancy armor is not worth the vanity, but given time played and experiences on the game, I gave in to vanity, not ebay, just good old fashion hardcore grinding. Im not sure that I will ever grind out fissure armor, as 1000k is not feasible to me right now, but months ago, 15k was not feasible to vanity, priority, and the value of money changes as my experience changes.
okay, heres your answer. full 1.5k regular ele armor from droks. dyed red.
That looks pretty darn koowal I must say