Originally Posted by Algren Cole
'Knock down an enemy" stops casters from casting....'blind them for 2 seconds' can pull your monk out of a jam if he's being attacked.
the sooner you realize that you are a support character and not a damage dealer/tank you'll start to recognize the use of the other skills.
sorry if this is repeated but Warriors arn't the main damage dealers. Elemtalists are. The support characters are mostly Monks, Mesmers, Necros, and Warriors to an extent.
Monks are obvious they either heal, stop damage through protect, or deal some damage through smiting (but not as much as others usally).
Mesmers are again obviously a support character (very special builds excluded). They stop casters from casting, cause damage to the enemy when it attacks, slow the enemy, and do damage over time.
Necros are also support (with some builds they can be main damage dealers but not with most builds). They can summon help, recharge your casters energy (BiP and WoP are some examples), cause damage over time, and weaken enemies (hexes and the like).
Warriors are support for theses reasons: They can't compare to the damage that an Elemental can do (excluding very special builds again), they can't inflict conditions like a ranger can or attack from a distance, they can tank though. A warriors primary job in PvE is to get all the baddies grouped around him so that the ELEMENTALIST can use AOE skills effectivly.
Rangers can be both support or a primary character with mostly a few skill changes. With the trapping line they can deal damage before the battel starts pretty well. They can attack at a distance. They can use their pet as a meatshield to group baddies for AOE death.
So in conclusion YOU ARE WRONG. Elementalists are the primary damage dealers in the game.
Fire is the best PvE element for damage. If you go for wards then its water. If you want to tank (not reccomended) go earth. Air is good in PvP (quick cast time, armor penetration, enemy doest stand in firestorms and the like) but not so good in PvE (many skills cause exhaustion, 1 enemy attacked at a time usaly, other players can interupt, armor penetration isn't as needed, enemy will stand in stuff like firestorm).