Two Equiped Weapons - NOT a suggestion / do this threed.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


I was thinking about something and wanted to share it, this is not about requesting dual equiped weapons at all.

I think orginally planned dual handed weapons and then removed them latter. The reason I think this is the following:

One of the patches mention about fixing the Creation screen showing weapon in each hand only showing one weapon.

And look at the orginal wallpapers that came out:

I truly think they were testing it / consdering it but pulled it for balance reasons.



Smite Mistress

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Land of AZ, USA


Probably you're right though I can imagine that balance would be easy: Just put a damage penalty on dual wielding. Basically you would get only full damage with your "on hand" sword, and, say half damage with your off hand. Of course this would necessitate having only certain sword equippable for dual wielding (i.e. rapiers, short swords, knives, daggers, scimitars), leaving larger swords for one-handed fighters.

On this same note, I'd love to see two handed weapons for warriors: Greatswords, halberds, etc.