For sale :1 gold max dmg short bow dmg+20% while hexed req 9
2 gold idol +10 energy,armor+5 while casting req 9 bm
3 gold insightful inscribed staff of healing prayers chaos dmg 10-20 e+9, inproves casting of fire magic skils(17%),energy+3,healing prayers+1(16%) Deadly Cesta 11-22 e+3(hexed) req 8 dm
5. gold Wingblade Sword 15-22dmg+20%(while health is below 50%)
req 11s
6.purple composite bow max dmg+11% while enchanted
If you want one offer.
weaponds of all kinds
Ari Veyes
i'll give you a dictionary for the wingblade. let you go an look up the meaning of weaponds.