Rare Armor Drops?
Midnight Slayer
With the implementation of the rune trader, armor that is supposed to be "rare" is almost always a rune which can be sold for around 25g. I would rather get a regular armor drop than a purple or gold one just for the fact that i can maybe get a steel ingot or a rare crafting material out of it. This is ridiculous. Even some Superior runes can only be sold for around 100 gp. Instead of finding joy in getting a purple or gold armor drop now i hope it would be a white one.
Solution: I think instead of all purp and gold armor drops be salvaged to runes, maybe we can get weapons or weapon upgrades out of them. Any thoughts?
Solution: I think instead of all purp and gold armor drops be salvaged to runes, maybe we can get weapons or weapon upgrades out of them. Any thoughts?
Imagine getting a gold or purple armour.
You identify it and it says "Unlocked rune of superior....."
You hastily salvage the armour and get.....
12 bolts of cloth.
That's how it used to be. At the request of the general community, the coloured armour system was changed...not once, but twice.
If you want white armours for the materials, why not just hunt more? If you are getting more coloured armours than you want or need...tell me where that hunting ground is!!!!!11
Even better, i will trade you materials for your unidentified runes...sound good?
You identify it and it says "Unlocked rune of superior....."
You hastily salvage the armour and get.....
12 bolts of cloth.
That's how it used to be. At the request of the general community, the coloured armour system was changed...not once, but twice.
If you want white armours for the materials, why not just hunt more? If you are getting more coloured armours than you want or need...tell me where that hunting ground is!!!!!11
Even better, i will trade you materials for your unidentified runes...sound good?
I carry a regular salvage kit nowadays, if it is not a vigor or anything worth while I just turn it into materials.. cheap h4x
Divinitys Creature
Originally Posted by generik
I carry a regular salvage kit nowadays, if it is not a vigor or anything worth while I just turn it into materials.. cheap h4x
Ive been saying something needs to be changed since that damn rune trader was added
, i think that minor rune drops should become supior runes, that have no -hp reduction, and the supior runes should become minor runes that have the -75 hp reduction, the stats should be left the same so a new supior would get you +1 to a attribute, and a minor would get you +3 and the hp reduction, the art should stay the same on the runes so that all that is switched was the stats, and the drop rate should stay the same to, so now supior runes mean something. well thats my 2 cents,i most likely wil get flamed for it, but i dont care, im sick of this rune problem

Divinitys Creature
Originally Posted by Wa$d
Ive been saying something needs to be changed since that damn rune trader was added
![]() |

I'm gonna read this again in the morning

Originally Posted by Divinitys Creature
![]() I'm gonna read this again in the morning ![]() |

Hope that helps
Midnight Slayer
Originally Posted by Wa$d
wait does that mean you couldnt understand it? Let me me try to simply it, Supior and minor runes switch stats, minors have the -75 but the +3 and the supiors have the +1 and no hp reduction, snice everyone wants minor instead of major, why not make them work for them, do you get it now? Minors become supiors, all that changes is stats drop rate stays the same for all of them, but the price goes up, improving economy, or at least i think so
![]() Hope that helps |
I get lost after reading the first few sentences even after you "simplified" it

Sagius Truthbarron
Originally Posted by Divinitys Creature
![]() I'm gonna read this again in the morning ![]() |

Me too

I knew most of you wouldnt get it, but i would make runes worth something agian, supiors would be back into the 1k's and high, so now you could make money of them, and also you couldnt, just as soon as you get into post-seering and pick up your runes for the rest of the game and never have to talk to the rune trader agian, unless you have a Sup vigor or absobtion to sell, or mabye just get rid of major, supior and minor, and just call them Runes with +1 attribute and no hp reduction, and make it so enemies dont drop runes as offen so they runes are worth something agian, just some thoughts
Divinitys Creature
Originally Posted by Wa$d
wait does that mean you couldnt understand it? Let me me try to simply it, Supior and minor runes switch stats, minors have the -75 but the +3 and the supiors have the +1 and no hp reduction, snice everyone wants minor instead of major, why not make them work for them, do you get it now? Minors become supiors, all that changes is stats drop rate stays the same for all of them, but the price goes up, improving economy, or at least i think so
![]() Hope that helps |

Sereng Amaranth
so superior is now unwanted and minor is leet? uh.... o.O
Originally Posted by Divinitys Creature
I get it. Last night I was a bit tired
![]() |

Nah, it will just bring on a rise of scammers selling "Superior" Vigour to newbies for 10 plat
minor IS better then superiour because of no hp reduction... U only need 1 superiour and the rest minor...
Sup Vigor SHOULD stay the same....
Sup Vigor SHOULD stay the same....
Originally Posted by Pillz_veritas
minor IS better then superiour because of no hp reduction... U only need 1 superiour and the rest minor...
Sup Vigor SHOULD stay the same.... |
Divinitys Creature
I try and avoid using superiors (except for vigor) unless they are absolutely essential. The hp loss can be a big pain. Crunching the numbers is definitely worth it.
I try and avoid using superiors (except for vigor) unless they are absolutely essential. The hp loss can be a big pain. Crunching the numbers is definitely worth it. |
Originally Posted by Wa$d
and thats why superiors are so cheap, no one wants superiors , or majors because of the hp reduction, so if we would make the superiors and minors switch people would start buying superiors agian since they wanted them becuase of the no DP and even though there was only +1 instead of the +3, at least no dp. keep the drop rate the same, now superiors are worth 2k or more a pop, more people are spending more money to get them, its easyer to get that money, now gold unidentifyed armors mean something when you get them, people have more money to buy the storm bows and the fellblades in the GW world, thus droping prices of all items, and then we all go to droknars and drink some ale to celebrate with our hard earned gold!
Instead of whinging about how superiors have a DP etc, why not reverse the situation and think about it this way: In GW, *everyone* is *entitled* to have that extra 1 boost in attribute. EVERYONE.
If you want to have greater power on the battle field, sure, just take a cut on your maximum health.
Minors are an ENTITLEMENT, and they should be cheap. Yes, I know people need income, same with my characters, they need income too, but I'm sure fixing those bugged trader goes a much further way to achieving that end.
Superiors are superior, like it or not. Why is a minor superior? It is only +1 attribute! Unless superiors are +3 with NO PENALTY, and minors are also +3 with -75 penalty, I fail to see what all that ado is about anyway.
In a nut shell, no pain no gain. That +2 extra might not be good enough for you, but many people sure find them to be superior.
Also, to counter your final closing statement, everyone having more money is not necessarily a good thing, prices just go higher. In the end you wouldn't even know what's the difference.
I agree with Generik