Problems with GWguru site???
I've noticed problems logging on to the site lately and have talked to other people in the game who are having the same problem. It used to be .com but now I have to use .net to access the site. However, I've talked to others who still can't access the site either way. Anyone know what I'm talkin about or what's going on? thanks
Yes, for the past two days, I have been unable to go the and the forum. I tried pinging the site but there was no response so I assumed the site was down. But since I'm seeing posts from yesterday, I guess it wasn't?
Anyone know what the problem is?
Anyone know what the problem is?
Just glad to know I'm not the only one... after I started this thread I couldnt get on the site for about 24 hrs... and only in the last 10 min have I been able to access it again... I hope I still can after this post.
I haven't been able to get on for the past 2 days, so I'm right there with you .
GW Monkey
They had a DNS issue; it's resolved. If you knew the IP it wasn't enough because so much of the forum sofware is hardcoded for pathing instead of relative pathing (../forum/newreply.php) so you'd have had to make a change to your resolver or just added it to your hosts file.
But the point is moot; you're all back! =)
But the point is moot; you're all back! =)
Pandora's box
Ok, I mailed guildwarsguru saturday about it, glad its solved now. Weird thing was I could get access with a differend provider, but not at people who had the same provider I have... But than I called my provider and at their service desk they had no problems at all to get access. As for me, I traced the hops up to hostnoc.demarc and than it got stuck... Anyway, its ok now
Yeah. I had to find another forum for my fix. Glad that GWG is back, that other forum was.. Lacking..