The devs must be losing their touch. This one is very obvious. In Dis1 If anyone wants to join in
Outside Aurora Glade
Sagius Truthbarron
What? I don't get it...
Sagius Truthbarron
Look closely. I am past the portal. I'm outside it, in Ettin's Back. Come to Dis 1 and I can show you.
Heh, yeah, I was just there. Kind of interesting, but maybe not even worth fixing, seeing how it doesn't offer any sort of game-breaking advantages, other than looking kind of funny.
^^ good place to have /dance parties lol, away from the crowd. secret places weeeee!
Pablo Gilberto
Hmm... it doesn't work for me. Is it possible they already fixed it?!
Sagius Truthbarron
No doubt they've picked up on it by now, but the pathway is to sqeuze easily through some bamboo on the left side of the road and keep following the ledge untill you are safely out.
Pablo Gilberto
Ah.. I got out just now. Thanks.
Hehe it's so fun to just run around the empty zone without anything popping up and attacking you.
Hehe it's so fun to just run around the empty zone without anything popping up and attacking you.
Just got out that way, am going for a stroll.
nice bit of fun
nice bit of fun
that was nice...
now I wonder...
now I wonder...