Maybe I'm just unlucky, but I have been looking to join a relatively mature guild of players who like to help each other out...no luck so far. I realize posting an ad to join an unknown guild will probably lead to failure, or perhaps propositions from people who aren't necessarily what I seek, but I'm getting really tired of playing solo the majority of the time, sp here goes:
If you are looking for a guildmate who fits the following criteria, please let me know:
- main toon is an ele/mes, but can switch secondaries of course
- plays pretty much daily, and is somewhere between experienced and dedicated, but not necessarily hardcore elite
- enjoys helping guildmates with their questing, but in return likes assistance to complete the more difficult mission bonuses and such
- relatively inexperienced with pvp, mostly into pve(ascended, etc.), but willing to do both
- not too chatty, listens well, and enjoys the intricacies of strategy used to accomplish goals in the game (ie. does not aggro a dozen mobs thinking the "Hulk SMASH!" mentality will prevail
- usually online daily from noon - 6pm PST, 11pm PST - 4am PST
If anyone's looking for a new guild member has a guild that fits these criteria, please let me know!