Auction: Crippling Falchion of Warding, +15% >50%, Max DMG
Please place your bids through this thread to keep the auction fair for everyone. Offers in-game or through the PM system will be ignored (unless you intend to set a new record).
For trades over 100k, I prefer payment in Platinum + Ecto, which currently in America goes for 9k each. Other types of trade will be considered.
Don't mean to sound rude, but that is how things seem to work around here.
IGN: Arthur Varyag
From my experiences with PvP Sword Builds, this sword is one of the best in the game. Warding can be as high as +7, but that one point difference is insignificant in-action, and if you are a perfectionist, you should have plenty of perfect sword upgrades at hand.
The requirement in swordsmanship is above minimal, but works well for the majority of builds that involve condition stacking - which any experienced sword warrior should realize to be the true advantage of the class. Combined with the extended crippling effect, what you have here is the perfect sword for such builds, ready for action.
When placing a bid please keep in mind the rarity of such drops, especialy after recent updates, and my own personal appriciation of such works of art by the random drop generator.
i'll start it off with 80k
can you show a pic of this sword?
90k wibble
100k lol
Auction will continue till tomorrow afternoon, at which point the winning bid will be declared and the winner contacted to schedule an in-game meeting.
Thank you.
120k i like it
Pardon the early bump...
Jolly Jumper won the auction by offering a buyout I couldn't refuse.
Thank you everyone that found this interesting, best of luck next time!
Jolly Jumper won the auction by offering a buyout I couldn't refuse.
Thank you everyone that found this interesting, best of luck next time!