Originally Posted by Alcaza Bedabra
I've never seen a Devourer the other side of Yak's Bend.

Originally Posted by Alcaza Bedabra
I've never seen a Devourer the other side of Yak's Bend.
Convulsing Crunchy
Originally Posted by Teh_Zero
Speaking of flying.. Woudlnt it be fun to see some evil blood thirsty huge bats flying around and spanking you !
Originally Posted by Rocco The Flipside
Yeah yeah, you did a great job and all that crap, but seriously, do you people have a fetish for scorpions? do you go home and think about the worse possible way of creating monsters in a "mystical world"? WHOA!!! A GOD DAMN SCORPION WITH TWO TAILS THROUGHOUT the whole frickin game! Is your company too low budget to come up with NEW IDEAS for monsters? Seriously, what the hell is you problem? Let me guess, you people will create a giant lady bug with 4 wings for the expansion? God, please balance out the monsters and get rid of the scorpions!!! I would say 64% of the monsters in this game are scorpions and there are only around 30 different type of monsters. Wow, I am very dissapointed. Great job making the worse possible monsters in the gaming industry. Come up with monsters that makes you WANT to kill them. It's almost a FRICKIN CHORE to kill these non-stop scorpions crawling from underground. For god's sake, Diablo has better monsters than Guild wars. At least they make your skin crawl the first time you play! Fire the person who came up with the two-tailed scorpion and hire a more creative and intelligent person who can come up with better monsters than two-tailed scorpions. Seriously, is it that hard? I'd prefer killing unicorns, monkeys, giant tigers, tribesmen! for hell's sake, get RID of the scorpions, it's just RUINING the game.
Talesin Darkbriar
Originally Posted by Rocco The Flipside
get RID of the scorpions, it's just RUINING the game.
Originally Posted by Digitalblast
Why dont we have a +% dmg upgrade vs scorps?
Originally Posted by Digitalblast
Ever notice the size of insects in the video game world? These are some crazy big insects we have to put up with.
Night Daftshadow