Now that there are collector's shortbow(& longbow) for perfect +15%dmg > 50% hp mods. I cant see the reason for spending 200k to buy a rare shortbow with the exact same inherit mod, unless it's for the looks. but other than storm bows/eternal bow that really look different, the other's are not that all eye catching.
So tell me, is a rare 15% > hp bow really worth that much? (not considering storm/eternal bows)
collector's short bow with 15% > hp mod
Judas Paladin
yes, they are- its all about the looks and the rarity that makes the people go ooooh when they see gold letters
It's a way of bragging. "Haha, I have all 15k armor and an uber weapon! You can't beat me even though I still have a really crappy W/R and I use Bows, Axes, and Swords at the same time!" thing.
heh, the thing is you wouldnt know the stats of the weapon just by looking at it, that ppl can be holding a chaos axe and look cool but that chaos axe can be a plain non max dmg one which i normally sell for 500g. well, at least if you spoted someone useing a collectors item, you would know it would do max dmg with the inherit
+15% mod. looks can be deceiving.
+15% mod. looks can be deceiving.