Ascalon, Discrict 1. End of Beta Party!
Hey everyone, I hope that you enjoy these pics as much as I did taking them!
Leon Hellraiser
Hey you should of goten a shot of the band playing! they were rockin as you guys were dancing, its Leon hellfire.. he he good picks i saw some of my ims but i didnt come out on any ... check you later!
Heres some more...
Last 2 I promise....
That's strange, I was in district 1 when the gnomes and wurms came out yet where I was standing I'm not in your pix. Very odd indeed.
You probably didn't dl the final BWE build. AC was reduced to 3 local districts and they probably added a few things for the finale.
Good times.
Thy Shadow Wolf
*laughs* I loved that. Was that you bychance dancing in the middle of the necro mosh pit? Because I vaguely remember you there (I was 2nd to last nec on left with the gloves).
yep, i was hoping no necros would get mad at me storming into the middle of their pit... but it was just so perfect!