if you guys want abbadons mouth is an easy place to farm with your guild...its not soloable but DOable with like 3-4 people me and this guy Grievous were there trying to complete the co-op just us 2 and well alot of fell blades, gold UNID armor (which were all superior), aswell as other gold goodies were dropping (staffs bows etc) i know most of you guys dont like to "share" but ya know taking your guildies on an outing to abbadons mouth will help fill your pockets up a bit aswell as make for some guild unity through team work
-2 Cents
for the people complaining about farm drops
Van the Warrior
Greivous, huh? Was his guild tag Pin? What was the second part of his name?
Van the Warrior
i forget he was a random dude i met after i died with 2 seals remaining on the co-op lmao but hey your call whether or not to believe me just tossing it out that abaddon is a decent place
I'm not questioning your credibility. I have a guildie who uses the name Grievous Watersong. Coincidentally, he's my brother.
I don't know about weapons, but I do know I make a lot of cloth, linen, and silk from those mursatt garments