I don't know if this is a good idea or if somebody will have a better one but I was thinking how handy it would be to have a Storage option that you could share with friends. Yesterday I was in the middle of Majesty's Rest in a big melee when I got a whisper from my brother who wanted some tanned hide squares and some cloth. So after a few more minutes of exploring I fast traveled to Ascalon to get the stuff he wanted out of my Storage jobby, plus I had a bow in there I wanted to give him. So anyways I think it would be neat if we had a shared storage option, that would cost a few hundred gold to open and cost a 100g / member to keep open (maybe pay once a week). This storage would be seperate from the other storage option and would be for sharing items amongst friends. Each player would have 10 slots to put stuff in with your name on a tab just so the other guy would know who put that nice bow or whatever in there. Id even suggest that it would cost 20g or some small amount to take an item out of storage. Also if you wanted a particular friend to have a certain item you could then tag it with his/her name and then only they could take it. Only thing I can see wrong with this is somebody inviting a friend to the shared storage who then takes all the good stuff and flogs it in the trade channels. That would suck the Skales left fin it would. Maybe only the original storage opener would be able to invite people to join the storage with a limit of 10-15 people (maybe thats too many?) and if somebody abuses the storage by taking everything in there for flogging, then they can be kicked and any gear they have in there goes back into thier inventory. So basically I like to give people stuff and want an easier way to share items with friends.

I think there should be something like this not to mention a place where you could put items in for public auction... Personally I don't like flogging items in the Trade / Chat channel and merchants don't pay much when you have a rune that's actually worth more than the measley 25g that they offer. heh. id rather give it to somebody, even a stranger.

*puts on boots of flame protection +25*