Nice Guys....
Deacon Brodie
Well I consider myself a "nice guy" mostly and often times I'll pick some decent mid level weapons that I like to give away to folks that are at a lower level. I usually head back to Ascalon and find a level 5 etc character to whisper and ask if they would like a weapon for their class for free. So far it's been a pleasant experience and actually I sometimes have a hard time giving it away. However last night I gave a chap a decent mid-level axe (it was one of the quest items in the Shiverpeaks area) and he said thanks then immediately turned around and tried to sell it. Oh well, my loss. Had to figure it might happen right? I did "give" it away. Well he must have told some of his "buds" about it because I got several whispers after that (I did whisper him so it wasn't a "public" conversation) asking for free stuff, heck even gold. So much so that I had to leave the district! Ahhh... so much for being a "nice guy"! Don't know that I'll stop doing it maybe just wear my thickest skin next time

scavengers!... gotta watch em

Kuku Monk
Sell your stuff to a merch from now on. Saves you a world of hassle
The rudeness of some people just makes me want to spit sometimes. It's a shame that one bad situation overshadows so many nice onces, but I hope karma has found it's home. 
Thanks for being one of the nice guys.

Thanks for being one of the nice guys.
Calrisian Nantos
You can find me in the first three districts of piken everynight giving away mid to max dmg items to people,if anyone REALLY needs something and feels they cant get it due to whatever then pm me ingame "Calrisian Nantos" I might just have something for you
My experience in other games like Diablo 2 and other such games has been that giving stuff away to strangers usually leads to situations like the one you experienced, Deacon. For that reason, I only give to people I have talked to in game before or know personally. Otherwise, I sell to merchants or sometimes, and ONLY sometimes (because I hate dealing with all the spam in town and crazy players who deal in large gold transactions on a regular basis) do I even SELL to a stranger. In short, I try to deal only with those I know. It's unfortunate, but sometimes that Green Day song is true... nice guys finish last...
I too was giving some good stuff away for free today. Gave away a max shield (warrior is going to hammer now!) to another warrior.
Guy said thanks, then asked, “May I ask why you are giving away a max shield?” He found it hard to believe I was just being nice and that I don’t like to sell things.
I should have said, “May I ask why you just took it from me without question? Maybe I didn’t know it was rare? How dare you take advantage of me?”
LOL I would rather make someone's day than a few "bucks."
Guy said thanks, then asked, “May I ask why you are giving away a max shield?” He found it hard to believe I was just being nice and that I don’t like to sell things.
I should have said, “May I ask why you just took it from me without question? Maybe I didn’t know it was rare? How dare you take advantage of me?”
LOL I would rather make someone's day than a few "bucks."
I occasionally give out free stuff too, but it's becoming a bit of a burden. When I type a msg saying "Free items available for characters that need them, meet me at storage", I get whispers asking "waht u have?", "i want sword, u got sowrd?", "max dmg?????!" et cetera. Come on, I'm giving away stuff for free, is it too much to ask to come see for yourself? I don't really feel like replying to everyone.
And there's always the people who don't seem to understand the part where it says "characters that need them". Don't get pissed off when I don't give a mediocre purple hammer to your lvl20 E/Mo.
And there's always the people who don't seem to understand the part where it says "characters that need them". Don't get pissed off when I don't give a mediocre purple hammer to your lvl20 E/Mo.
I find stuff all the time that I know I'm never gonna need. Or sometimes I think, "Well, I could get 1 or 2k for that if I were to sell it." but then turn atround and give it away 'case I couldn't be bothered. Most time, people are greatful but suspiscious. "What's the catch?" or "Why are you giving this to me?" most times ..... But then there's the ungrateful *ahem* people who say "I don't want that piece of @#$%" or "Try that on someone else you n00b". Wtf? I'm giving away something that is 1 or 2 off max dmg to someone who is lvl 3-5 and they're ungratful? What the hell is this world coming to?
Night Daftshadow
i sometimes also give free stuff but they arent really good. just decent stuff that a low level character can use until they reach yak's bend. i love giving away those crappy purple items. you know, those purple that come with no bonuses or mods and regular dmg. it's sort of funny. you'll be amazed at how many people msg you. the funniest msg i've gotten was "can i have it, pretty pretty please, oh i have it?".
I used to give away free stuff such as 24 damage bows and 18 dmg swords, until one day people started calling me nOOb for giving away "shit" as they called it. Funny part was, the person who did this first to me was a lvl 8 warrior, and is highest charcter, another War/Mo was only in maguuma!!! For now on I just salvage all the stuff i find!
Please don't give items away to low levels. They aren't very dedicated to actually trying in the first place so why do them a favour. Unless they are your friends please stop giving these people items. The more people like this we can get rid of faster the better.
Originally Posted by BurningPants
Please don't give items away to low levels. They aren't very dedicated to actually trying in the first place so why do them a favour. Unless they are your friends please stop giving these people items. The more people like this we can get rid of faster the better.
I checked my /age the other night and discovered I've played for 378 hrs (and counting!). How many more hours do I need to play before I stop giving people the benefit of the doubt and lose the pleasure of potentially helping out someone, just for the heck of it?
A gift is a gift. If I give something away to someone, do I care if they sell it, or delete the character, or otherwise drop off the face of Tyria? No. If I give something, it's given and it's no longer any of my business. "You must now use this shield I gave you for 'x' amount of hours ...."
It's not a gift if there are strings attached.
I agree, begging for gold is ridiculous. Asking if anyone has an extra ancient eye to get collector's armor instead of overpriced crafted stuff? That's okay in my book.
Originally Posted by Mournblade
The rudeness of some people just makes me want to spit sometimes. It's a shame that one bad situation overshadows so many nice onces, but I hope karma has found it's home.
![]() Thanks for being one of the nice guys. |

Since I've been farming a lot, I usually offer to pay the full platinum for a trip to the UW or FoW. People seem to think this means they can ditch once they get something of mediocre value, or they can just aggro everything.
But hey, take satisfaction in knowing that most people do appreciate it and don't focus too much are the jerks.
But hey, take satisfaction in knowing that most people do appreciate it and don't focus too much are the jerks.
Being nice is for your sake not mine. It's nice to see people who are actually considerate (I try to be polite when talking not to call anyone a L33t n00b) but people are kinda like a flock of birds on your lawn. If you one day decide to feed them to be nice, they are gonna come back and ask for more, when you dont give it to them, they are gonna make a mess making your neighbours angry. Be nice, but not at the expense of others.
I am quite loserish, hate me for that.
Being nice is for your sake not mine. It's nice to see people who are actually considerate (I try to be polite when talking not to call anyone a L33t n00b) but people are kinda like a flock of birds on your lawn. If you one day decide to feed them to be nice, they are gonna come back and ask for more, when you dont give it to them, they are gonna make a mess making your neighbours angry. Be nice, but not at the expense of others.
I am quite loserish, hate me for that.
Originally Posted by BurningPants
Being nice is for your sake not mine. It's nice to see people who are actually considerate (I try to be polite when talking not to call anyone a L33t n00b) but people are kinda like a flock of birds on your lawn. If you one day decide to feed them to be nice, they are gonna come back and ask for more, when you dont give it to them, they are gonna make a mess making your neighbours angry. Be nice, but not at the expense of others. I am quite loserish, hate me for that. |
I hear what you are saying, but in real life, there is no "ignore" list for birds or beggars or other nuisances. In GW, there is, and that is the difference I see.
Ignore has a max. But your right. By the time you remove someone from your list to add a new person that old person probably stopped harrasing you by now anyway.
I give away free stuff but in the dessert towns. Most people who shortcut through to the forge will not be there. I also advertise say I have a nice bow. Any Rangers with marksmen of 8 here. I also avoid giving away stuff in old asclaon due to the "traders" that are targeting the said people that were rushed to play in the arena with there max armor. Or, give away items to people in a pug. Thay way you know there levels and by conversation what type of player are they.
Now in pre-searing I give a lot of away with not though.
I advertised any warriors with shield skill of 10, I may have a free shield for you, and gave away a plain max def 16 shield (no other benfits). I only had one person respond.
Now in pre-searing I give a lot of away with not though.
I advertised any warriors with shield skill of 10, I may have a free shield for you, and gave away a plain max def 16 shield (no other benfits). I only had one person respond.
I help Alot in pre, its funny how people cant answer a simple question like " How do I ID an item" .. I've sat there for like 5 minutes before responding to the person, just to let other people answer them. It's sad that most people just char about themselves and not help out a fellow player wether or not they are in thier guild.. Most of the responses i get out of helping someone is a thanks. On certain occasions when I run someone in pre (for free of course), I made a new member to my guild. So I guess it works out in the end
Kaylynn Of Ascalon
I too have done this in the past and though your experience differs from mine I still was left with a foul taste in my mouth. Most people would thank me, but sometimes I would go out of my way to help someone out and they would never thank me. THAT ticks me off to no end. I mean if i give you a better weapon, run you for free to a place you can't get to, give you that last item you need to get that pc of armor made...then give me a "thank you" in return. Is that too much to ask?
If someone needs help with a particular aspect of the game, like faction, I don't see why people shouldn't help(or mess with them) but I just wish some people would take time out of their busy schedule to learn things on their own.
I get quite a bit less-than-max damage stuff with low requirements. You really just can't sell these things, yet, they are extremely valueable. So, I go out of my way to find guild members -- or failing that, just about anyone, to give them too.
But, when you give away - attach a moral price, make them promise. Say, "All I ask is that if you can't use this, you give it away; or if you do use it, you find something else to give away later on when you are higher level". If they then go on to sell it... it's their karma at stake. If they want to destroy it... so be it. Never give something away for free; but don't kid yourself that a gift will have an enforceable promise.
But, when you give away - attach a moral price, make them promise. Say, "All I ask is that if you can't use this, you give it away; or if you do use it, you find something else to give away later on when you are higher level". If they then go on to sell it... it's their karma at stake. If they want to destroy it... so be it. Never give something away for free; but don't kid yourself that a gift will have an enforceable promise.
I once gave away a decent purple item to some stranger I did a coop mission with. He said thanks and added me to his friends list. Well I took a quick break at work to log on and show someone something, and the guy messages me asking what is up. I respond just taking a quick break at work and won't be on line long. The guy then asks where I work. I reply that I am not saying since I am on at work *grin*. He then proceeds to beg and berate me to tell him where I work. He then starts typing foul curses etc. Wow. Do someone a favor and they think you owe them answers to personal questions.
Originally Posted by Kaylynn Of Ascalon
I too have done this in the past and though your experience differs from mine I still was left with a foul taste in my mouth. Most people would thank me, but sometimes I would go out of my way to help someone out and they would never thank me. THAT ticks me off to no end. I mean if i give you a better weapon, run you for free to a place you can't get to, give you that last item you need to get that pc of armor made...then give me a "thank you" in return. Is that too much to ask?
i just wish there are more people like this who appreciate other's help.
Old Dood
Originally Posted by Deacon Brodie
Well I consider myself a "nice guy" mostly and often times I'll pick some decent mid level weapons that I like to give away to folks that are at a lower level. I usually head back to Ascalon and find a level 5 etc character to whisper and ask if they would like a weapon for their class for free. So far it's been a pleasant experience and actually I sometimes have a hard time giving it away. However last night I gave a chap a decent mid-level axe (it was one of the quest items in the Shiverpeaks area) and he said thanks then immediately turned around and tried to sell it. Oh well, my loss. Had to figure it might happen right? I did "give" it away. Well he must have told some of his "buds" about it because I got several whispers after that (I did whisper him so it wasn't a "public" conversation) asking for free stuff, heck even gold. So much so that I had to leave the district! Ahhh... so much for being a "nice guy"! Don't know that I'll stop doing it maybe just wear my thickest skin next time
![]() |
I was in pre-searing last week and a W/mo came up to me and whisper if I would like a Holy Rod for my Monk. (It was a decent blue item) He spoke in a 18 century kind of speak. He was quite a pleasant individual to have a chat with. He spoke of meeting his "Bride to Be" in the game. So we had a chat about raising a family and all that. He would not take anything for the Gift. I tried to give him something in return for his kindness. He was taken back a little at my gratitude. I don't think he was expecting someone to be that thankful.
It never hurts to be kind and thoughtful in this game or anywhere else for that matter.
Back before the scarabs outside of Amnoon Oasis were "adjusted" to remove enchantments my smite monk farmed an awful lot of them. So with hundreds of Jade Mandibles in inventory my usual routine was to pop over to Dunes of Despair, exchange them for a load of max-damage collector swords, and hand the swords out in Yak's Bend. The funny thing is that I often had trouble giving them away since people just didn't understand "free" and kept trying to figure out what kind of a scam I was running. That's kind of sad actually.
I TRY to be a nice guy, but sometimes things happen on GW that make me think "just what is the *insert expletive* point?"
There was 1 night in Droknars Forge however, that was the most fun I've ever had on this game. People were doing random quizzes and giving away whatever they happened to have in their inventory. I joined in, and gave away an Icy Hammer Haft, 400g and some other random thing, can't remember what. Other people had given away max damage weapons, dyes etc. It was just great fun - and gave people a chance to get items without having to farm or anything. I mean, just because you've farmed for X hours, doesn't mean you'll know what the hero from the film "Constantine"'s first name is
There was 1 night in Droknars Forge however, that was the most fun I've ever had on this game. People were doing random quizzes and giving away whatever they happened to have in their inventory. I joined in, and gave away an Icy Hammer Haft, 400g and some other random thing, can't remember what. Other people had given away max damage weapons, dyes etc. It was just great fun - and gave people a chance to get items without having to farm or anything. I mean, just because you've farmed for X hours, doesn't mean you'll know what the hero from the film "Constantine"'s first name is

Originally Posted by Nightsorrow
I TRY to be a nice guy, but sometimes things happen on GW that make me think "just what is the *insert expletive* point?"
There was 1 night in Droknars Forge however, that was the most fun I've ever had on this game. People were doing random quizzes and giving away whatever they happened to have in their inventory. I joined in, and gave away an Icy Hammer Haft, 400g and some other random thing, can't remember what. Other people had given away max damage weapons, dyes etc. It was just great fun - and gave people a chance to get items without having to farm or anything. I mean, just because you've farmed for X hours, doesn't mean you'll know what the hero from the film "Constantine"'s first name is ![]() |
Originally Posted by Sofonisba
That sounds like a hilarious and creative and fun way to spend your time - along with helping people out! Great idea. I approve.

Usually I don't have enough stuff to give away--which is unfortunate because I often do and enjoy doing so (for example, I gave away a Stormshield in D2 once when they were very rare, and of course many more items of lesser value) but I often answer questions of people on channels.
Although many might not have local chat on, many others do and to find that no one answers is very unfortunate in my opinion.
There truly isn't enough kindness or consideration in most games--or life if you wish to take it that far. I say to Deacon and all the other nice guys (and gals), continue to be nice--we were planning to be anyway, and who knows, it might somehow pay off, even if the payoff is just a nice feeling inside.
Although many might not have local chat on, many others do and to find that no one answers is very unfortunate in my opinion.
There truly isn't enough kindness or consideration in most games--or life if you wish to take it that far. I say to Deacon and all the other nice guys (and gals), continue to be nice--we were planning to be anyway, and who knows, it might somehow pay off, even if the payoff is just a nice feeling inside.
Originally Posted by Nightsorrow
I TRY to be a nice guy, but sometimes things happen on GW that make me think "just what is the *insert expletive* point?"
There was 1 night in Droknars Forge however, that was the most fun I've ever had on this game. People were doing random quizzes and giving away whatever they happened to have in their inventory. I joined in, and gave away an Icy Hammer Haft, 400g and some other random thing, can't remember what. Other people had given away max damage weapons, dyes etc. It was just great fun - and gave people a chance to get items without having to farm or anything. I mean, just because you've farmed for X hours, doesn't mean you'll know what the hero from the film "Constantine"'s first name is ![]() |
Oh yeah...My favorite thing to do id listen to the trade chat until i pick up on a sale of something i have and dont need...then start spamming it for free...lol ..pisses off the guy wanting do much for a worthless rune or weapon
That's the way things are... experienced travellers to countries like indonesia would probably swear by the rule of not donating to any beggar at all, no matter how needy, for precisely the same reason.
Once you give once, you will be SWAMPED by the entire mob and won't be able to get away...
It is sad to be unable to help, but that's the way it is.
Once you give once, you will be SWAMPED by the entire mob and won't be able to get away...
It is sad to be unable to help, but that's the way it is.
I played Diablo2 to bits, when I finally gave up I tried several ways to give it all away including....
Dropping a huge load of bits on the floor, de-armoring and challenging people to come get it (great fun)
Hiding a complete set of equipment in a monster infested level (using teleports) or hiding them all round a level near the waypoints
Making sure that low level group were decent folk and poiting out "missed" items that I dropped.
Giving stuff away with no challenge is nice, but its nicer to help someone enjoy the game, someone mentioned that it seems few people help beginners out and that sucks big time.
Dropping a huge load of bits on the floor, de-armoring and challenging people to come get it (great fun)
Hiding a complete set of equipment in a monster infested level (using teleports) or hiding them all round a level near the waypoints
Making sure that low level group were decent folk and poiting out "missed" items that I dropped.
Giving stuff away with no challenge is nice, but its nicer to help someone enjoy the game, someone mentioned that it seems few people help beginners out and that sucks big time.
If I didn't think that the channel would be spammed by dorks, I'd say that a "questions/answers" channel would be nice. That way, there would be a "place" for area newcomers to go and ask their questions of those who like to help that way. It wouldn't tie up the general chat (like that's a loss...LOL!).
I usually answer reasonable requesto for help - like you're having trouble doing something. But more and more I find people that never even TRIED it. And ask. Beg. Pray.
When I find someone that is (in my personal opinion) a good player (meaning he tries first, listens to pointers, is not arrogant) I give what I have. I don't care about items, there's pretty little I have that is really rare and I find more stuff than I can keep, anyway. But I'd rather sell to merchants than give to people who don't even try - as I mentioned, I refuse to support the beggar community.
When I find someone that is (in my personal opinion) a good player (meaning he tries first, listens to pointers, is not arrogant) I give what I have. I don't care about items, there's pretty little I have that is really rare and I find more stuff than I can keep, anyway. But I'd rather sell to merchants than give to people who don't even try - as I mentioned, I refuse to support the beggar community.

i run people from gernich courthouse to yaks for free, just for fun
iv run so many people there, i love goin in there and seeing people spamming "lvl 20 run to yaks bend for 200gp each" then i go "lvl 20 running to yaks bend for free, invite yourself"
i admit, i ask for donations at the end. but they dont have to pay, and most don't
but i dont care. i like helpin people out.

i admit, i ask for donations at the end. but they dont have to pay, and most don't

Numa Pompilius
Here's my suggestion: don't give stuff away, sell it cheaply instead.
I keep max/near max objects with low requirements (there's no need to subsidize high-level players, so I salvage objects with req >9, or sell to merchant) and sell everything in Ascalon for a set price, usually 300 or 400 gold. That's often 1/10th of the real worth, but although even a newbie can afford the gear it doesn't invite freeloaders as much as giving stuff away does.
I'd sell for merchant prices, but I think those are so low they wouldn't discourage freeloaders. I mean, a nonmagical, max damage, req 7, longbow: 69 gold?
Also I've found that people get suspicious if I try to give stuff away. They think it's some sort of scam. They actually seem happier about buying cheap than being given stuff for free.
I keep max/near max objects with low requirements (there's no need to subsidize high-level players, so I salvage objects with req >9, or sell to merchant) and sell everything in Ascalon for a set price, usually 300 or 400 gold. That's often 1/10th of the real worth, but although even a newbie can afford the gear it doesn't invite freeloaders as much as giving stuff away does.
I'd sell for merchant prices, but I think those are so low they wouldn't discourage freeloaders. I mean, a nonmagical, max damage, req 7, longbow: 69 gold?
Also I've found that people get suspicious if I try to give stuff away. They think it's some sort of scam. They actually seem happier about buying cheap than being given stuff for free.
If I start a new character, and I find a magical goodie that might be good, I just pick it up and drop it again, hoping that level 5 player next to me is a first-timer.