Hey all.
I figured I’d throw this out there for newbs that might be as naïve as me!
I found 3 purple items while playing and figured I’d try to sell them on the trade channel. They were all worth between 35 and 45g in the window, so although I didn’t know what they were really worth, I knew they were more valuable than the price stated in there.
Anyway, I had never traded anything before with a “real” player, so I didn’t really have any idea how to go about it. Well I can tell you that “Big Tmac” was more than happy to guide me through the process lol!
He opened a window where I could put in the items that I wanted to sell so he could take a gander at them, which I did.
He then informed me that he couldn’t “see” the items on his end, so he said to hit “accept” which I did. Now a little warning flag went off in my head as I hit “accept” but I figured maybe it was a bug in the game or something.
Ooops! He then proceeded to run away and log off immediately as I watched him fade away into oblivion. It was actually pretty funny how fast he ran and logged off!
I know this is probably the oldest trick in the book when it comes to these type games, but seeing as I’m new to this genre, I fell for it. Ya live and learn, but I figured I put this out there for any other peeps who are as dumb as me.
Hey, anyone wanna sell me a bridge????
If you’re a newb Read this/ Be careful when trading!
This makes me giggle.
All you have to do now is hope that those items were really crap and not worth anything anyways.
All you have to do now is hope that those items were really crap and not worth anything anyways.

Ouch, that's unfortunate. There are all too many players out there who are willing to do that sort of thing. Don't worry though. If the items were only 30-45g at the merchant, you didn't take too big of a loss. There will be more rares, I promise. You know how to trade correctly now, though... right?
Kuku Monk
*smack* Uh yes I am the wallet inspector, may I please inspect your wallet?

That's unfortunate, sorry about that. If they were only stated as being worth 45 gold to the merchant, chances are they weren't very good items anyways, but I understand where you are coming from. "Big Tmac" is pretty desperate to be scamming you like that.
Well let me tell you this. That will never happen again lol! I think the guy probably created the character just for this type of thing. Its no big deal really and my own fault, and like I said it was funny watching him run away!
That dude must live a sad life. I may politely whisper him that.
It's incredible the amount of scammers, idiots still try to sell that 'rare set of armor' that they have..