Alright I like bringing Claude along when I use henches, but it gets annoying when he rushes up to the front lines with Stefan and Thom to put Blood Ritual on them....
Warriors don't really need that energy boost. Not as much as casters, at any rate. Also I've never seen Eve do this, though I'm not sure she uses Blood Ritual at all, that I have noticed.
I'm pretty tired of Claude sacrificing most of his life putting Ritual on the 2 fighters, this needs to be fixed IMO.
Fix Claude's AI
Agreed, though it is nice for my warrior when he puts it on me when I really need that energy to cast healing breeze when alesia doesn't heal.
Eve only does one thing: die.
Eve only does one thing: die.
That is why he keeps dieing on me when I used to use him not anymore he could help Alesia.
They bots, and bots play better than humans they make the perfect moves. Humans beat bots because 1. they have better gear and 2. they have better skills.
I think Claude is doing good right now, I think person that needs ajusting is Little Thom, he uses his skills at wrong time, he is messed up bot. Stefan is good its just everyone dog piles on him. Claude is doing just fine, he gives me energy boost when I'm LOW on my energy not when I have a lot and dont really need it. Warriors get LOW on there energy quick, then casters do later, thats why he rushes to warriors.
I think Claude is doing good right now, I think person that needs ajusting is Little Thom, he uses his skills at wrong time, he is messed up bot. Stefan is good its just everyone dog piles on him. Claude is doing just fine, he gives me energy boost when I'm LOW on my energy not when I have a lot and dont really need it. Warriors get LOW on there energy quick, then casters do later, thats why he rushes to warriors.
i noticed how sometimes he does this too, however ive seen worse... once he killed himself by sacraficing his health (im pretty sure he did anyways, there were no baddys around and boom he drops dead right after i hear a necro spell sound)
I didn't even know Claude cast Blood Ritual. Eve is the only one I've seen casting it. I wasn't really sure what Claude did...
Mercury Angel
Are you sure Claude is using it on BOTH?
Little Thom is the likely culprit, in my opinion. He uses Wild Blow and Swift Chop, which both cost 5 energy a piece, and also will occasionaly use "Charge" as well.
If Little Thom is using those skills often during battle, he probably runs out of energy, so Claude buffs him.
Not sure on Stephan, but Devona uses all non-energy skills except for Charge. She has 3 adrenal attacks, 2 signets, and shout.
Little Thom is the likely culprit, in my opinion. He uses Wild Blow and Swift Chop, which both cost 5 energy a piece, and also will occasionaly use "Charge" as well.
If Little Thom is using those skills often during battle, he probably runs out of energy, so Claude buffs him.
Not sure on Stephan, but Devona uses all non-energy skills except for Charge. She has 3 adrenal attacks, 2 signets, and shout.
That bastage Little Thom. I always take him cause I don't want Stefan to get pounded on when he's the only one in melee with like 5 ettins or something. I'll try going without Thom and see how it goes... Maybe Reyna will be an ok substitute...