Beast Masters need at least One Elite and a Max-Dmg Weapon
So, I've been playing with a Beastmaster in PvP. I had 11/10/10 build, with Beast Mastry 11+4, Expertise at 10+1, and Healing at 10. This build has ZERO available max-damage weapons. Furthermore, the only Elite that matters is from Healing (Healing Hands or Word of Healing) -- no Beastmastry Elite. If Arena.Net would like people to actually play beastmasters in PvP, they need to give them an Elite skill and, ideally, a max-damage weapon of some sort.
Tellani Artini
What? See ferocious strike, and drop healing prayers.
Originally Posted by Tellani Artini
What? See ferocious strike, and drop healing prayers.
Problems keeping your pet alive? You ever tried using Comfort Animal? Its the only skill you need to keep your pet alive. And if it dies, hell... you can even raise it again. With 16 BM Comfort animal heals for 110 and ressurects your pet with 61% hp.