Originally Posted by Mugon M. Musashi
What is the best looking hammer?
Moofoo Pork
This, in my opinion, is the best hammer, not that I use it.
jenna mysti
Originally Posted by Cunning
This, in my opinion, is the best hammer, not that I use it.
I love how the spikey hammer has "blunt damage".
Tuoba Hturt Eht
Here's a up close screenie of the 'spikey' war hammer.
I find it hillarious that it is blunt damage.
Larry the Hippo
the magmas is a standard warhammer model. just like a dwarven hammer isnt a special model either.
none of the hammers look right to me, they should all be either one handed or have longer handles
EDIT:definitly forgot to mention, you guys are way off base on the mursaat hammers. they dont look like forks, they look much more like candle stick holders.
none of the hammers look right to me, they should all be either one handed or have longer handles
EDIT:definitly forgot to mention, you guys are way off base on the mursaat hammers. they dont look like forks, they look much more like candle stick holders.
i like the huge giant slayers hammer...iono why, but it seems so big to me.
Mursat wins because it looks interesting and unreal
Originally Posted by hydrak
It would be nice if someone posts a picture of this hammer.
Righteous Maul ftw.
Summit Hammer just looks Evil, My fav by far. Mursaat Hammers are just plain terrible.
Righteous Maul is definitely the best.
FYI the "Spiky" WAR HAMMER ones are GOLDEN; the PURPLE WAR HAMMER is the one with the gold emblem on the side and the WHITE ones are the rams head; i was going to post this awhile ago but didnt think it was worthy of how 1 item may have 3 skins...
and mine would be the twin hammers.
and mine would be the twin hammers.
Originally Posted by D.E.V.i.A.N.C.E
FYI the "Spiky" WAR HAMMER ones are GOLDEN; the PURPLE WAR HAMMER is the one with the gold emblem on the side and the WHITE ones are the rams head; i was going to post this awhile ago but didnt think it was worthy of how 1 item may have 3 skins...
and mine would be the twin hammers. |
awwwh man; that sucks. too bad it wasnt by rarity... but it did happen to me... I got several purple war hammers that where with the golden emblem and the golden spiky one...