henchmen subs. for quitters?
I have not experienced totally worthless parties so much as I have experienced quitters. Obviously, sometimes the player who leaves has no choice. But I don't see why the rest of the group should have to suffer. Henchmen should offer some consolation to losing a group member, in accordance to the class of the player. The game should sub. a hench when someone quits. Lets face it, who wouldn't want this?
Well, henchies often screw up by drawing adds, or refusing to retreat or engage when I want them to. Honestly, I haven't found the current system to be a problem. Unless your Monk leaves, you should be able to complete an area, no problem.
I think this is a good idea. When there are several people who quit half way mid-game, they should allow for henchmen substituition. Of course, perhaps they cannot be replaced instantly.
It would be good if they were replaced, after cutscene or something like that.
It would be good if they were replaced, after cutscene or something like that.
trust me im not joking... this is the best idea ive seen in days... no joke
Little Thom's Bro
we know alot of reasons why people quit during mission and or quest, but the idea of having henchmen as replacement are good for some, there is still no replacement for the real people that place the game
well a henchmen is better than a grey name... iirc they have some sort of order they aways pop up on my party list, so that could be an easy way to pick which one replaces the person
Kuku Monk
Even worse are the guys he start to play then just sit there not playing, probably off watching tv or something. They still get credit for finishing the mission because the rest of the group finished it. I like the idea of substitution; hopefully a kick system will be implemented, and when you kick, a hench can be added as well.
a /mug comand would really come in handy for that situation
Originally Posted by theclam
Well, henchies often screw up by drawing adds, or refusing to retreat or engage when I want them to. Honestly, I haven't found the current system to be a problem. Unless your Monk leaves, you should be able to complete an area, no problem.
I like the idea of giving us random hench... then again I've had the monks all abandon us in perdition rock as soon as the SOB's capped their particular skills but we managed to pull through to our bosses. The loot was great!
Originally Posted by sino-soviet
I have not experienced totally worthless parties so much as I have experienced quitters. Obviously, sometimes the player who leaves has no choice. But I don't see why the rest of the group should have to suffer. Henchmen should offer some consolation to losing a group member, in accordance to the class of the player. The game should sub. a hench when someone quits. Lets face it, who wouldn't want this?
Originally Posted by Thomasuwoo
I bring alecia. She's more reliable then most of the monks around there. I haven't been there since lina was added to the selections there but I'm wondering if this will force human monks in the area to actually learn how to keep their party alive?
Originally Posted by Kuku Monk
Even worse are the guys he start to play then just sit there not playing, probably off watching tv or something. They still get credit for finishing the mission because the rest of the group finished it. I like the idea of substitution; hopefully a kick system will be implemented, and when you kick, a hench can be added as well.
Old Dood
I like this idea. It has been mentioned before, but, it can always be mentioned again.
I would like to see something along the lines of a Choice of which Hench we would want in replacement. Not just the same class that quit. Sometimes you have a person in the group for the secondary profession too. Give the choice to the leader. Make it simple. He/She can ask our opinion if they so desire. A good leader would anyways.
I would like to see something along the lines of a Choice of which Hench we would want in replacement. Not just the same class that quit. Sometimes you have a person in the group for the secondary profession too. Give the choice to the leader. Make it simple. He/She can ask our opinion if they so desire. A good leader would anyways.
Originally Posted by Thomasuwoo
Which is why in the desert missions I don't bring human monks. I bring alecia. She's more reliable then most of the monks around there. I haven't been there since lina was added to the selections there but I'm wondering if this will force human monks in the area to actually learn how to keep their party alive?