Am I the only one that is sorely dissapointed by the 15k pyromancer's set? Sure, it can be dyed differently, but the model is basically the same. I crafted the suit, dyed it several times, then proceeded to sell it back to the crafter in disgust. My pyromancer is my only character that I do not use 15k armor for, as I think the 1.5k armor looks better. I have also seen the pyromancer's armor from the underworld, and it looks even worse than the 15k. Take a look at
this screenshot sometime, The woman on the right to be precise.
That armor looks great, and it seems to me that if they have an npe wearing it, then it stands to reason that they must still have the model and the textures archived somewhere. I think that they should update the current 15k pyromancer's armor to the armor shown in the picture above. Now who is with me!