Pre-Order Question

Julia Darkheart

Julia Darkheart

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005


Nocturnal Expressions (NoX)


I am having an issue here that needs to be resolved. I played this weekend for the first time and I'm really wanting to pre-order the game. I have a few questions concerning this.

1. Will my characters I made already still be there with a new code.

2. I see nothing for a Mezmer. Bummer LOL. Poor Mezmers left out.

This may be a moot point about my characters, since everything is supposedly going to be wiped before release, but any insight into this would be great.



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

1)your account will still be there, along with your characters, (only names and professions if post-wipe). if your key has expired, when you log in to your account, it will asak for a valid key, at which point you could use another friends pass or BWE access key if you are talking about pre-release. the same will occur when we need to input our retail keys.

2)i see plenty for a mesmer. not sure what you are getting at here.

Julia Darkheart

Julia Darkheart

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005


Nocturnal Expressions (NoX)


Originally Posted by Bgnome

2)i see plenty for a mesmer. not sure what you are getting at here.
I was referring to the exclusive items for pre-ordering hon...

1. Bone Idol - Focus - Use with Death Magic - Necromancer

2. War Pick - Hammer - Use with Hammer Mastery - Warrior

3. Kanthan Targe - Shield - Use with Tactics - Warrior

4. Ithas Bow - Use with Marksmanship - Ranger

5 Censor's Icon - Focus - Use with Smiting Prayers - Monk

This is what i was referring to.. So, for that matter not much for an Elementalist either.. So much for being a Mezmer/Elementalist

Not a big complaint, since I'm sure I'll make one of the classes listed above asa primary or secondary. It was more of a comment that the Mezmers and Elementalists got jipped on the pre-order bonus hehe.

VOD Katsumoto

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2005

Get the second profession going. I get the stupid targe (best buy) but i dont think i will be using it. We will see as I play the other BWE's which professions I choose.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Feb 2005

well either focus will do a nice job/nice extra so no big deal..
(the bone idol mentions that fact, I didn't get details on the censor yet)

heck I'd be *shocked* if the item you get is something you can (or rather want) to use for a long duration for your character. I could be surprised tho.

and right any other combo, bam you have an item..
I don't put a lot of stock in any of the extra items

(ie 'fluff' - like a goofy pet hanging around you )
