New Rune Idea
I dont know if this has been suggested is other areas, but i just thought of a nifty idea for warriors and classes with little energy. I was thinking about a rune like Vigor, yet they increase your energy amount, not health. They could work in the same way vigor does also, downgraded of course. Ex. Minor = 10 extra Major = 20 extra Superior = 30 extra. tell me what you guys think!
Not a bad idea... but I think that it should be open to all classes and give less energy. Say +3 for minor, +6 for a major, and +10 for a superior. Otherwise you'll be doubling a warrior or ranger's energy pool, which I think is a bit much.
well its a good idea, but if Anet took it in i dont know if they would keep the numbers so high, but if they did they would work wonders for my mo/e and w/n
There currently aren't energy runes (and no energy increases from leveling up) because skill use balance hangs tightly on the current energy each profession has. As far as I know, vigor runes were only implemented to offset the health loss from major/superior runes. Since no runes give you an energy loss, energy runes would be redundant, imo. While +1/2/3 energy wouldn't be too bad, +10/20/30 energy is way too much, and is completely game breaking. Elementalists would be able to spam spells all day long, and the other classes would have absolutely no use for their gladiator/druid/enchanter/tattoo/scar armor.
oh yah probly should have thought about that... but perhaps oif they did orient this into the game, they could make it so that it subtracts health with mahjor and superior (like proffesion specific runes)
Yea, what Magus said
Perhaps they should be similar to the attribute runes - add energy but reduce HP. The numbers might be +2,+4,+6... Gladiator's armor gives +7, so the range is similar.