I know there is 2 quests that give u 15 attrib points each, so i made the one in the south shiverpeek that vinyl or something like that gives u, my question is: where is the second quest? whos the man im taking it from and which place?
Attribute points quests
There's a serpent-man in the crystal desert that gives you the other one, forgot his name. The girl in the southern shiverpeaks is named Vanyi, by the way.
Its shanyi or yanyi or something in droknar's forge i think , u do need to do at least 1 of the change secundary profession quests in the desert.
Just accept the 1,000xp and close the window when it asks u to change if u dont want to change secundary
Just accept the 1,000xp and close the window when it asks u to change if u dont want to change secundary
But where on the crystal desert? which outpost? ive searched all outpost and talked with all the npc and i dont found it.
The NPC in the desert isn't in an outpost... he's in an explorable area. I wish I could remember where... he might be an NPC you have to find in another quest from Amnoon, perhaps Seeking the Seeker or something like that? Check GWOnline's quest database.
Sanyi in Droknar's Forge gives you one quest, titled "Hero's Challenge" (need to finish a profession change quest to trigger it). And after doing the "Forgotten Ones" quest, the Forgotten who gives you a reward also gives you the quest, "Forgotten Wisdom", the second attribute quest.
Thanks enigmatics i found it

Silver Touch
In wich Explorable area can I finish the quest "Forgotten Wisdom"?