WHich armor to get
im a E/Mes and I am in The Amnoon Oasis and i was wondering what armor should i buy.I reliazed i have armor taht has 39 armor and i can by one with 50.So what i am basically asking what types of attaks do the enmeines do at and near the The Amnoon Oasis.dont they do earth attacks?
As for PVE, I suggest you don't buy the armor at amnoon and wait till droknars (Since it has the highest defence). It's more money effecient that way. If you can't stand having low armor, use the collector armors that you can find. Elemental defense doesn't matter alot in PvE so I just choose it on looks. If you want to use the same character for PVP, then I suggest aeromancer.
And if you don't want to wait till droknars - still don't buy the armor at the oasis. Instead go to the crafter just outside Santum Cay. (He sells AL: 57 armor).
Wait till droknars

Yeah, I wish this game would drop gold/purple armors instead of always having them crafted at the smiths. I don't know of anyone who buys the tiny upgrade at each town just to get 9 more AL and perhaps just changing types. I went from the pre-searing armor to the 40AL armor in ascalon, to the Forge armor in the mountains. It seems kinda silly to keep upgrading slowly.
that's one of the reason people payu for forge runs

I would wait until you can get the 15k armor.. thats what I did.
Amei Leng
We tell our young guildings to buy armor in these places:
Ascolon City, Yaks Corner, Venturi Forge and Doknors Forge.
The Doknars Forge armor has the same specs as the 15k stuff, less you want it for looks save yer money.
My earth Ele uses Areo Armor, My fire Ele uses fire armor.
The areo for the look, she is dark and with silver dye, its a sharp contrast.
The fire becuase towards the end of the story line, you will be in hell. and its hot and firey!
Ascolon City, Yaks Corner, Venturi Forge and Doknors Forge.
The Doknars Forge armor has the same specs as the 15k stuff, less you want it for looks save yer money.
My earth Ele uses Areo Armor, My fire Ele uses fire armor.
The areo for the look, she is dark and with silver dye, its a sharp contrast.
The fire becuase towards the end of the story line, you will be in hell. and its hot and firey!