The Concept: I'm going to try to make a list of all the people in GW who will give me one gold piece. I'll stand in a particular district, ask the general public to all give me 1g, and then write down everybody's name in my handy-dandy notebook

The Rules: I've decided that I won't be going into cities to ask, as I'll probably not be heard over "WTSWTSTWTS....", and I'll underline the name of the first person to give 1g in each district. Also, anyone who flames me - calls me a money grubber/scammer/a$$hole/whatever you people use these days - they get their name on the Mean List! .
The Point: Well, the original idea was just to get me rich

So what do you guys think? Your opinions are valued.
Edit: By the way, could people keep posting replies so this post stays at least somewhere near the top? It'd be a shame to have it deleted.