Every body wants 'em but nobody suggests any. so I drew up some concepts for fun and figured "Hey why not post 'em up in the sanitarium?"
(I appologize for the lined paper but I did it during Geometry class and no matter how many times I tried I couldn't redraw the images properly. so you're stuck with the originals)
Necro Armor #1 Ignore the firey hands, thats just for show.
Necrom Armor #2
I was going for abit of Grenth look-alike
The the outer robes are a crimson while the inner are a dark grey. The scarf draped over the shoulders would be a gold color.
You may notice both are pretty much the same and vary only between the hood or the Grenth skull helm over a black coif.
The face in the center of Image two is an example of a scar/tattoo pattern that goes along with the Helm.
Feel free to post your own ideas and comments below. All insults toward my drawing skill will be promptly ignored.
New Armors
Very cool. I'd love to see some new 'looks' added to the mix.
Yeah, I'd love to be able to buy different variations (visuals-wise) of the same-specced, same type of armor. How awesome would it be to choose from like 5 different styles of Wanderer's monks armor or any other type? Mixing and matching these pieces would go a long way towards adding uniqueness to characters IMO. Not just having different sets of armor for a profession, but different styles of armor for ONE specific set.
That would rock.
That would rock.
Very cool, not sure how well it would mesh with the other necro armor theme, but very cool indeed. I love the skull helmet, it'd be awesome as a 15k headpiece (now there's an idea...) or somesuch.
Another productive school class, eh? :P Looks good.
looks tight
I might draw up some Elementalist armor
I might draw up some Elementalist armor