Change Veratas Aura please


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

Ok, I think minion masters take up enough skills here. In PvP you need, animate bone fiend/horror/minions, veratas sacrifice, and veratas aura. Minimum of 3 skills, and then you may use death nova and taste of death to help out to. Most likely you would also ad a res so you only have 2-4 skills to do stuff when nothing is dead, which is really bad, and it makes you feel useless when both teams are having trouble killing each other, or you are at the beginning of the game attacking those ghost guys who don't have a corpse for minions. One way to help minion masters out is to change veratas aura so it only works on masterless minions. This will save us a skillslot. It is pretty pointless to carry this skill around just incase someone else has it. I rarely use this skill but it only saves your skin if there is another minion master without it or if an enemy use this on your minions and you have to use it again to keep them. You really aren't forced to bring this skill, but you have to to aviod minion disaster. It still may be needed if you are killed, but its better for peope to kill you then use this skill so they can't randomly take all your minions away from you.

What do you guys think?

btw it would be nice of minions attacked your target


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Why do you need Verata's Aura?