Here's the stats:
Poisoner's Gold BattlePick of Axe Mastery
Piercing Damage: 6-28
Damage +13% While Health above 50%
Lenthens Poison Duration
19% Chance to +1 to Axe Mastery while using axe skills
The thing that makes me think this weapon is very valuable is the last stat listed. 19% is almost perfect.
EDIT: Corrected the damage, It's 6-28, not 6-26.
PC - Gold BattlePick
not worth much, its not max dmg. the best thing on it may be that axe mastery grip, but i dont know how in demand those are
You said it in a nutshell. it's almost perfect. the damage (26) is ALMOST perfect the damage bonus (13%) is ALMOST perfect.. and the axe mastery(19%) is ALMOST perfect... so because of those facts it might not sell that well, but also, because of the same fact, it might sell very well. it just depends on who you sel it to.
Oops. I made a mistake, the damage is 6-28. I goofed up and thought it was 6-26 for axes max dmg. I hope i don't have to re-post this thread to get another answer, some people only reply to topics that have 2 or less replies to them.
Can someone take a look at it again now that I've corrected the damage?
Again, Can someone estimate what the weapon is worth please :-/ ?
Prob around 20k