Lag at Dragon's Lair and then err=7
Night Daftshadow
Is it just me or does anyone else experience the most lag at Dragon's Lair mission? Last night, just when we entered the mission, one person left. I have no doubt it must've been err=7. About 10 mins later, someone started saying they are having lag and is gone after a few seconds. A few minutes after that, I started having lag and eventually booted with err=7. One of the guys in my group said that he was booted early with another group towards the end of the mission due to lag and err=7. So far I have 3 characters, all of them have been to Dragon's Lair and each time, at least once for each character, I've been lagged out due to err=7. I rarely have err=7 except when I'm at Dragon's Lair. What's up with this?
yes! i totally feel your pain! i blame it obn the little bushes with christmas lights on them and the sparkly ice thingy the faccets are on... but yes i totally agree on that. I got lagged VERY badly during that mish. However ive never gotten the err7 tho... perhaps u should turn off shadows and turn your graphics settings down a bit for the time being. That helped me quite a bit
Yeah, I think the lag depends on what area you're in. I've only experienced it in Old Ascalon, someplace in Kryta and the Breach I think.. All the other areas (up until Droknar's Forge) have been alright for me...
in dragons lair, there are these little bushes with tons of little sparkly things on them that glint and light up depending on which angle you look at them... That cause some SERIOUS lag and i hope they take out the little "christmas lights" because they're pointless and only cuz lag. I appreciate their care for artwork and everything, just not when it causes a decrease in gameplay value.
Or you can get a uber computer like me and never get lag like you speak of 
However in Kryta when fighting them blasted Inferno Imps things can slow down a bit... but only slightly.
Turn down your graphics settings and your be fine, I don't have mine on max since all the glowing graphics is weird to say the least.

However in Kryta when fighting them blasted Inferno Imps things can slow down a bit... but only slightly.
Turn down your graphics settings and your be fine, I don't have mine on max since all the glowing graphics is weird to say the least.
yes, but a MUST for the whole game... TURN OFF SHADOWS! you'll be AMAZED at how much it actualyl helps to stop a little sillouhete on the ground

I was unable to finish the Dragon Lair mission because of getting kicked out of it with Err=7 twice, during the LAST movie *grrrr*. Then we just skipped all the movies and it went well ... had to come back to redo it again though since I did want to see the last movie to know the story ...
Originally Posted by Kelly
i blame it obn the little bushes with christmas lights on them and the sparkly ice thingy the faccets are on... but yes i totally agree on that. I got lagged VERY badly during that mish. However ive never gotten the err7 tho... perhaps u should turn off shadows and turn your graphics settings down a bit for the time being. That helped me quite a bit
Turn off shadows ? WTF
Thats video lag not network lag. The poster sounds like they are describing network lag, and same with some of the other posts.
Only thing I could suggest to get around network lag is trace / ping something to see if its your end, if it is, shoot your ISP, if not, hang on till the servers de-lag themselves.
Strong Fist
Originally Posted by Kelly
yes! i totally feel your pain! i blame it obn the little bushes with christmas lights on them and the sparkly ice thingy the faccets are on... but yes i totally agree on that. I got lagged VERY badly during that mish. However ive never gotten the err7 tho... perhaps u should turn off shadows and turn your graphics settings down a bit for the time being. That helped me quite a bit
Da Outlaw
Yep, I get lag and have had err=7 several times in the Dragon's Lair. It is the only place I have ever been dc'ed out of, and now I only do it with henchies as it seems to only be an issue when playing in groups. It seems I'm not the only one ,as I have seen others complain in the Dragon's lair of the same error there, and lag always seems to be an issue in thsi very place. Glad it is finally getting some attention on the forums, this is something Anet needs to be aware of, as there is nothing worse then being dropped out of a mission.
Artemis Entreri
yeah lag is worse for me too at Dragons Lair,
Never had it shut down and give me err=7 though(knock on wood)
Never had it shut down and give me err=7 though(knock on wood)
Originally Posted by Artemis Entreri
yeah lag is worse for me too at Dragons Lair,
Never had it shut down and give me err=7 though(knock on wood) |
Artemis Entreri
no, USA servers.
BUT this lag has really only been an issue for the last couple of days.
BUT this lag has really only been an issue for the last couple of days.