player 2: "why don't we get an anti caster mesmer to kill that annoying healing boss?"
player 1: "newb, without 2 monks we wont get past first set of enemies lol"
player 2: "ill bring blood ritual for the 1 monk so he can keep nrg healthy, we should be fine as long as people dont fight stupidly"
player 1: "lol you newbs cease to amaze me stfu im getting 2 monks"
One monk joins
player 1: "k we have 3 fire eles, 2 w/mo, 1 *ugh* me/n, and 1 monk, just need one more"
Ten minutes later
player 2: "there are no monks in this district, just get a healing hench they aren't that bad, my team used them to beat hells precipice a few times"
all but 2: "lol"
player 1: "henchies suck, im not surprised a newb like you wouldn't know that"
player 2: "just dont expect them to take the healing load, as long as the first monk is decent we will be fine"
player 1: "you watch and see how non newbs do this mission, you'll learn something"
Ten minutes later, 2nd monk joins --
AGGHHH getting so sick and tired of this stupid trend. People have no faith in any other classes brushing off anything that sounds difficult to understand immediatley (these are the same people who are surprised when their w/mo doesn't get invited into any teams at the tombs). Seriously, if you are like player 1 in the scenario consider getting off of your monk high. A Monk is crucial to the survival for almost any team...but I'm emphasizing A monk. Go ahead, use two monks when it is crucial to your strategy, but please don't get a second one for the sake of your peace of mind.
Give that blood Necro a try or that water ele, or even that healing hench (which btw are sometimes more reliable then actual healers/protectors). And besides warriors have healing signets and w/mos can usually keep themselves healthy in PvE. Rangers got that wonderful unguent. Necros have enough self sustaining spells too. Mesmers and Ele's are the only ones lacking in strong healing but even they can keep themselves healthy. And if they are combined with most other classes they have a secondary healing spell right there. The 1 monk can keep about 4 people at full and about 8 people at a healthy level. All you have to do is take the load off of the monk, if you are low on health run back, give your healer something to target when it has enough mana. If in PvE, pack a healing spell, its not a major drawback unless you have a 7 skill combo (which most people don't). Also Blood ritual and BiP are fantasic support for any healer.
As for the single healer, Word of Healing is not the be-all end-all to all healing monks. If your finding yourself low on Energy, take Peace and Harmony. Wanna save mana on removing conditions, take Martyr. That's why they are there. And you dont have to have a full healing skill bar, thats why you have a second class.
Sorry for the rant, and I KNOW this has been probably discussed on the boards before but if you play like player 1, please re-consider.
In the mission
player 1: "k nuke the healing boss and then we will kill of the rest"
The healing boss goes down to half, but then uses ANY healing spell to bring himself back up. Meanwhile the group of enemy casters casts ANY mana degen spell on the healers to take down their energy. Warriors subsequently complain they arent being healed and eventually die while fighting the healing boss. Ele's are next to fall, monks begin to run away to regen mana but since monsters run a long way before they give up, the monks are eventually chased down and slaughtered. The poor me/n used life transfer when he was low so he was able to keep running with decent health while the monsters were dealing with the monks.
player 2: "don't worry i have a rez signet"
player 1 has left the game.
players 3-8 have left the game.
player 2 has left the game.
PS: BTW this doesn't apply to PvP