Don't know if this has been suggested before, but here goes...
Currently, it's near impossible to make a coherent conversation in the public chat channel. You might say something, and then fix or six WTS/LFG messages later, you see a reply. It's annoying the other way around too. You're looking for a team and other people are just chatting about random things. My suggestion is to create a channel where only people near by can hear what you're saying. When select that channel, your aggro circle would appear in the compress map. Speech from outside the circle won't appear in the chat box. The speech bubble could remain visible, however.
Chat suggestion
You can turn off the trade channel, you know.
Originally Posted by teny10
You can turn off the trade channel, you know.
Ok a question about your suggestion, are you talking about a kinda "Lfg" channal or something? or just a random channal where close by people can hear you?
Just a way keep conversations from overlapping. The current public channel would basically be the "shout" channel. If you are looking for a team, you shout it out. If you want to, say, comment on someone's attire or dancing, you do talk in your "regular" voice, so that only those in the area, who can actually see the person, would hear.