Out of the way, but hey... 10% is 10%. The problem is that it is quite the trek to make from Rankors (since from Beacon's you can only have a party of 6).
Now if I can just recall where another Balthazar is.
UW with 10% Morale
u can go to uw from any grenth statues?
what the what?
wheres that at
wheres that at
Circled it on the map.
Just outside of Dreadnaught's Drift.
Just outside of Dreadnaught's Drift.
well ill be, never seen that there statcha.
is that doable at all of them
is that doable at all of them
Moofoo Pork
wow i've been there.. but i dont think the statue was lit- I guess u gotta have favor like all the other statues to use it.
whoa... thats pretty sick i've never seen that statue even when we had favor, so meh