White DYE
Faith the Insane
Please , tell me what 2 colors make white dye!
Xeno Demachilo
I doubt any do...Theres a silver dye..Maybe 2 silvers could make a lighter silver..
TO MAKE WHITE DYE YOU NEED BLACK DYE AND SILVER DYE, cuz you can white out anything thing thats black. But dont quote me on black and silver though.
Silver dye on fire elementalist armor looks white.
Anyway, in real life, white dye doesn't exist, so why would it exist in game? What we need is bleech.
Anyway, in real life, white dye doesn't exist, so why would it exist in game? What we need is bleech.
Silver's the closest dye to white thus far (including mixed dyes)
6 black and one orange will make ya white
Originally Posted by Digitalblast
6 black and one orange will make ya white
I just so happen to have some blacks and a few hun oranges if ya want some..
White dye exists, thats what they call white out. And if you look closely under microscope its mixed with silver and black . People that made this game are scientists they know all colors under microscope heehee.
Originally Posted by Digitalblast
I just so happen to have some blacks and a few hun oranges if ya want some..
it takes 100 silver and 50 black
o yea and 3 antalopes and 4000 Bananas and a dancing fruitcake and can sell u all of those for 10000000000000000k
reality check- you can only mix up to 4 dyes
Cantiare Mensoon
alright so, out of everyones posts i got bleech, 6 oranges, 1 black, a microscope, 100 silver and 4000 bananas. to tell you the truth, i think id need more than 1 bottles of black dye, you know to tone down the bananas.
Mariena Feladon
Just use sunlight!
some one told me you mix dye remover with silver
but. i didnt try it because he sounded like an idiot .. mixing dye remover ?
but. i didnt try it because he sounded like an idiot .. mixing dye remover ?
It makes a pale green looking color if I remember right.