OK OK, I know about 100 of these have been posted. I just want to have a successful thread. As it seems I need farming help. Whether you want to help in learning what to look for or just want to give an opinion on farming or this thread please leave a post. My main goal though is to find some spots. Now I completely understand not wanting to post a spot in fear of it getting nerfed. That's why I'm going to respect that and hope that you can please message me at Sergio Leone in game or leave a post with the name I can message you at. Anything would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
Sergio Leone
Farming Help!
Sergio Leone
Xeno Demachilo
Grrrr..Im so sick of these posts. Use the search button. Theres 10-20 SUCESSFUL threads..Theres like 3 that have been written in TODAY.