guild PM
private messages for guildies would be an easy feature to include and would be a nice addition... just right click their name in the guild window and send a pm. Then next time that player logs on, he gets a notice just like the guild message that he has a private message.
Please bump this if you think it's a good idea. The simple ideas tend to not merit comments and not big enough to encourage /sign. And so the simple (but good) ideas are always lost under the threads.
Please bump this if you think it's a good idea. The simple ideas tend to not merit comments and not big enough to encourage /sign. And so the simple (but good) ideas are always lost under the threads.
I agree, i often find i have things to tell people in my fellow guild but sods law means you will never see them when you want them. (and see them when you dont want to see the :P)
the only downside I could see as a guild leader of a guild with 90 people, my computer would explode when I logged on
hmm... that's a really good point
perhaps they'd have to have some kind of filter or something for guild leader and officer messages
perhaps they'd have to have some kind of filter or something for guild leader and officer messages
Perhaps like a email inbox a PM inbox?
okay... got a possible solution to the mass e-mails to leader thing. It involves modifying the guild set up a bit though.
Only officers and regulars who are on friends list can send pms to the leader. Each member can send messages to each other and to a designated officer. This would mean that each member is sort of under a regiment or platoon run by one of hte officers. This would increase the coolness of the guild function a bit too.... But is suggested only in this context as a solution to 100 e-mails sent to the leader.
Only officers and regulars who are on friends list can send pms to the leader. Each member can send messages to each other and to a designated officer. This would mean that each member is sort of under a regiment or platoon run by one of hte officers. This would increase the coolness of the guild function a bit too.... But is suggested only in this context as a solution to 100 e-mails sent to the leader.
I like it, Doc. Your "mass mail" solution is a great one. It would also lend itself to that custom ranks thing that was discussed in another thread.

I like it too. I rarely see some of my guild mates, so I would use it alot.
bump for "please-include-ness"
Divine Elemental
Nuff Said
Nuff Said
yea Its bad enough with my MSN and forums PM box. Don't know if I want that in game too. Xfire is a good substitue for this though, cause you can message them via xfire ingame with little problem.
/signed, I loved the mail system in WoW for Guild business, if this could be implemented, it'd be a great addition.
This is nothing like the WoW mail system. This is good. I like this. I want this.
Well, I was just comparing not having it to something that does have...something. Just a way to keep in touch ingame without using a forum or somesuch would be incredibly convenient and appreciated is the point I'm making.
bumped for first-page-ness since the minor suggestions often get lost under the big and fantastic ones.
Excellent suggestion
Excellent suggestion

bumped for first pageness (if anybody wonders why I keep bumping, it's not out of stubborness or "hey look at me"ness, it's just cuz as I said in OP, the smaller suggestions get lost under the fantastic and less easily implemented suggestions.)
Would be very useful.
Would be very useful.