Everything here will be sold when everyone stops bidding.
1.Zealous Half Moon of Marksminship
Max damage Req. 9 marks +19% below 50% +1 energy -1 energy regen +1 marksminship 19%.
2.Poisoner's Long Bow
Max damage Req. 8 marksminship +14% all the time -5 energy legthens Poison duration on foe.
3.Sundering Half Moon of Fortitude
Max damage Req. 8 +13% above 50% +10 armor penatration 9% +28hp.C/O 20k
4.Axe Grip of Axe Mastery
+1 axe mastery 19%.
5.Tall Shield
Max AC +7 armor vs blunt attacks.
6.Barbed Falchion of Shelter
Max damage Req. 9 swordsmanship +13% while hp above 50% +7 armor vs pyhiscal attacks and legthens bleeding duration on foe. C/O 15k
Ign Flaming Prietess and all of these items are gold and pretty good.
Happy bidding
http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...ad.php?t=21599 <-- Reading material.
The Auction!
Flaming Prietess
Laetitia of Yenemi
Hello again Flaming Priestess,
I will start off with 5k on numbers 3 and 6. They will no doubt be going up.
Laetitia of Yenemi
I will start off with 5k on numbers 3 and 6. They will no doubt be going up.
Laetitia of Yenemi
Flaming Prietess
Yeah i think so
Flaming Prietess
in game bids have been made.