Deacon Brodie
Anybody notice anything odd about the traders this morning? Tried to sell a red dye and the dye trader offered 1 gold for it... Tried to sell several fur squares, rare materials trader offered 10 gold a piece Please tell me my main source of income hasn't been nerfed?
nothing wrong with them on my side are u did u might have went to the merchent instaed of the dye trader.
Mugon M. Musashi
what language are you speaking impkim ?
Deacon, it's a bug that happens sometimes, nothing to fear
Deacon, it's a bug that happens sometimes, nothing to fear
Ya, it happened to me too a couple of times. :S
Scary thing, the first time.
Scary thing, the first time.
Deacon Brodie
Originally Posted by impkim92
nothing wrong with them on my side are u did u might have went to the merchent instaed of the dye trader.
I'm glad it's a bug! I've found that one of the best ways for me to make consistent $ is to harvest charr hides and crafting materials.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Deacon Brodie
I wouldn't put it past myselft to do something goofy like that However I'm almost 100% sure it was the correct traders.
I'm glad it's a bug! I've found that one of the best ways for me to make consistent $ is to harvest charr hides and crafting materials. |
Maybe they will SELL them for 1gp!!!!
I'd fill up my inventory with black dye!
I'd fill up my inventory with black dye!
nothing wrong with them on my side are u did u might have went to the merchent instaed of the dye trader. |
my side un wrong with them your side u may want to turn around tomato.