Is This A Particularly Rare or 'Good' Occurence?
I just salvaged a highly salvagable bone staff from Thunderhead Keep and it yielded 50 (fifty) bones. Never had a payout like that before, is this good?
Night Daftshadow
From my experience, this sounds like a rare occurence. I have never salvage anything that gave me more than 12 crafting material. Even if I use an expert salvage kit on something that is highly salvagable.
Awesome if you're a dog
I think the best I've salvaged of material was like 30-40 wood planks. You got lucky. Too bad it was bones...
Algren Cole
like Kha my best salvage was 30-40 wood planks(usefull for me so I was happy)....but it is too bad it was bones...I'm still waiting for that axe/sword that salvages me 50 Steel
Highly salvagable items that yield wood or bones often give large stacks like that. It's not a particularly rare occurance, and, really, not all that profitable since bones rarely rise above 3 gold each.
Best I think I have got is 5 steel from something I forget what. Had large numbers of wood planks and iron before.
I see, so numerically it was pretty good, financially it sucks, and basically it was just a 'nice' but not great surprise.
I got five steel from a highly salvageable axe the other night. I got something in excess of forty wood from a bow once, too.
Xeno Demachilo
Not sure..Ive gotten 7 steel from one highly salvage item
Fye Duron
Lastnight I got 17 steel from a highly salvage Sword... and 30 wood from a shield
i got 60-some granite slabs from an artifact once... other than that around 30 wood and i even got 5 steel from an item once...
Question: Does it matter whether or not you use an Expert Salvage Kit on "highly salvagable" items?
Maybe it's just because they're bones. Bones also drop in high amounts up to about 30. I had 18 Steel once I loved that salvage.
I salvaged 27 steel ingots from a shield once... that has been my record in quantity and money.