First it's my first post and I would like to thank all of you who take time to give feed-back and info to other players.
Second, my questions regards some aspects of the game I'm less familiar with. I play a lvl 19 N/Me build right now with the following stats:
Blood Magic: 10 + 2 =12
Soul Reaping 8 + 1= 9
Inspiration Magic: 7
Illusion Magic: 7
I use currently:
1 Vampiric Gaze
2 Dark Pact
3 Life Siphon
4 Barbed Signet
5 Leech Signet
6 Drain Enchantment
7 CP/Phantom Pain
8 Signet of Capture
I might use Unholy feast and Arcane Echo (or any spell that can copy...I can't remember the name precisely...)
I would like to know if some of you know if soloing with a N/Me is possible. I find it very difficult to accumulate wealth for better armor sets (namely the 1,5k armor sets) with a load of henchmen.
My second question is a follow-up of the first: is it possible to...(gasp) (I wrote the word!

Last question, is it me or I didn't get any elite skills even if I'm midway into the main it normal? I've used SoC on any boss throwing Me or N skills but to no avail.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank to all of you!
