Zero X Tolerance
Any help is appreciated. As I've only had this game for a few days, I'm still getting used to it. I don't quite understand how I'm supposed to use Mesmer Runes when I cannot find any Mesmer Armor. Is there Mesmer Armor or no? If so, Where? If not, How do I use those Runes?
Armor is what your wearing, so basically your clothes. You can use a rune by double clicking on the rune then clicking on your armor(clothes). Also, you need to use a expert salvage kit on a rune to get it out of the item you find it in, if you found it on a drop.
Zero X Tolerance
If my first profession is an Elementalist, Am I only allowed to use Elemental Runes? Thanks for the reply.
Yes, you can only use your primary profession's runes.
Zero X Tolerance
I wish I would have known that before hand. Alright, Thanks for your help. I think I'm just going to start over... Grr... I was only a level 10 but still....
I know how you feel. I got too eager to switch my secondary profession...
And you can only use the same type of rune once. You can't put two illusion magic runes on two diffrent pieces of won't affect it. I learned this the hard way...
Zero X Tolerance
Oh well, I'll just have to make the right choices this time around. Thanks for the help everyone.