Can u buy a Fiery Dragon Sword from a computer controlled character?
Hi, i was wondering can u buy a fiery dragon sword from an NPC (non playable character), if its possible can u plz state below which town u can buy 1 from thanks
No, you can't.
Kuku Monk
Just grab the sword from Prince Rurik's cold, lifeless fingers.

just go to ascalon city, district 1 and say that you want to buy one, you will get dozens of responses from people selling them
Even better, just don't buy one and get one that does Physical damage. Make your necromancers happy! We have certain powerful damage spells that only trigger upon Physical damage by a party member.
Fire damage isn't all it's cracked up to be. Some things are weak to it. Granted, but there are also lots of mobs resistant to Fire.
Fire damage isn't all it's cracked up to be. Some things are weak to it. Granted, but there are also lots of mobs resistant to Fire.
Sir Skullcrasher
when you ask for the fiery dragon sword be prepare with 1-5k to even 10k cuz that how high the price is for this kind of sword.
I'll give you one for free just leave me you IGN. It isn't max DmG though, if I find one that is I'll give you that one.