1. Simple henchmen controls.
Wouldn't that be great?, a recent mission failure prompted this idea (deliver the sceptre...or something like that) as i died having become separated from my henchmen - due mainly to a little 'gung ho' attitude from myself...and the fact that the henchies all seemed to come down with a 'spot' of pacifism at a critical stage in the mission - not wanting to move at all.
As i lay on the floor,watching my henchies run backwards and forwards (in two separate groups i might add) just out of range,i though wouldn't it be nice if i could click a position on the compass and they'd all run there...sadly they didn't (frustratedly i clicked several thousand times) .
I left it for a while hoping for an act of god to 'jump' them loose - but it wasn't to be...time to reset the mission.
Also,do away with henchies '2 second run,stop,2 second run,stop...' - if players can run 'forever' then why can't they? - there's less chance of getting caught behind objects if the party stays together.
2. Collectors,Merchants and Storage
A simple little idea this - practical and time saving...Open the player's inventory automatically when trading with collectors,merchants or using storage.
3. Pre-searing Ascalon 'welcomer'.
The inclusion of a series of welcomer NPCs or bill-boards to describe the basic functions of the game (plus a few of the more frequently asked questions) for all those people new to Guild Wars who haven't (or can't be bothered to) read the manual (which,IMO, doesn't contain enough information anyway...not sure about the online version though) - in effect doing away with completely the current 'tips' sysem...or having them turned off by default.
I doubt this idea will have any impact on the 'free info' community but there's a chance it could 'save' our feeble minds as we're forced to look at a spammed chatbox containing 'How do i leave my guild' (amongst other things)...we live in hope eh?